Saturday, December 4, 2010

Running late

Not by much, but I am running a little late tonight. It's been a busy day around here. This morning I started out by doing just a little bit of work on a craft project. I felt guilty doing that while they kitchen still wasn't finished and the living room was waiting to get started. I headed down stairs and tackled the last bit of wall in the kitchen and now that's done. Wade painted the ceiling in the living room and then I got one wall done. Tomorrow I'm ready to get started on the next wall, maybe even finish. This paint dries really fast so it doesn't take long to get two coats of paint on the wall. I may even get the tree up by tomorrow night. I set out a couple of Christmas decorations that weren't in storage so it's a start any way.
I also cleaned up my craft room, took care of some laundry and a few other odds and ends.
Now it's time to chill out with a cup of eggnog latte.
I bought this stuff the other day when I was at work and I think I'm hooked. Too bad it's seasonal.
I took quite a few pictures today as I was getting things done so as soon as I get them ready I'll have lots of stuff to show you.


Lin said...

Dang! You are productive, Ann! I was working a concession stand all day today, so I still have no decorations up. Ugh. I guess Monday is the day to drag all the junk out.

How about if we just stick to our guns and we'll be the oddballs with no decorations this year?

gayle said...

Wow you got tons of stuff done today! I feel slow!

jeanlivingsimple said...

Whew! I would want something strong in my Latte to help relax after all that work.:)

Sharkbytes said...

Busy, busy! I'm very impressed. I can't seem to get motivated to do anything around my own house.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You are tempting me to try the eggnog latte!

Anonymous said...

Busy lady - I was wondering how the redecorating was going...

tahtimbo said...

Good luck on the painting. It sounds as if you are nearly done (yeah!).
I have never seen this Coffee-Mate before, but I am going to give it a try. It sounds like it is really good.
I hope you have a great Sunday!

BeadedTail said...

You get more stuff done in a day than I get done in a week! Hope you were able to relax and enjoy your eggnog latte!

J. M. P. said...

I had to google to find out what's eggnog, now of course I want to drink eggnog all this winter! I found an easy recipe and I'll make it soon.

Catherine said...

It is going to be so nice when your house is all done. It always feels so fresh after painting doesn't it? And then you will be able to put up your Christmas tree ~ hooray!

I've never seen this eggnog cream. I will have to have a look for it!

Happy Sunday Ann!
xo Catherine

Russ said...

Sounds to me like you got a lot of things done. The best part of course was the latte at the end of it all. You are going to have to go back to work to rest.
Have a good day.

Ann said...

Lin, I even surprised myself. I'm usually lazy on the weekends. If it doesn't get done on Saturday or Sunday it's highly likely it won't get done at all. when I get home from work during the week I don't feel like doing anything. I'm not afraid of being an

gayle yeah, for a change. rather

Jean I didn't have the energy for anything strong :)

sharkbytes I usually can't either but I'm tired of looking at all the mess from this project

ginny oh you should, it's quite good. although I suppose you would have to like the taste of eggnog

grace, it's getting there. and so far I'm loving it. The worst part is the more I do the more I see that I want to replace or change

tahtimbo well I don't know about nearly done but the kitchen and dining room are and the living room hopefully today

Beaded tail this isn't a typical day for me, I usually don't accomplish this much

josep I haven't had eggnog in years and of course I've never had the version with alcohol in it but every once in a while I think it sounds good and this time I bought the stuff for my coffee. You'll have to let me know how yours turns out.

catherine Hooray. I am loving it so far, everything looks so clean. And as I'm putting things back together I'm cleaning out some of the junk that has accumulated over the years.

Audrey said...

You add that to your coffee? Oh dear. lol

I just can't drink flavored coffee, have friends who LOVE it - any flavor, but it's just not for me. I do like the smell though :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

w,th?ke** dks, OOPS! sorry that was caused by the drool falling on my keyboard, had to stop and dry it off to finish my comment. YUMMMMY i did not know about this. I wonder what using a dollop of eggnog would do? hubby loves eggnog

allotments4you said...

I've never had eggnog....I wonder if they sell that over here...if so I may just have to try it!!

livintheblues said...

your inspiring me..I am painting my ceilings today..:)

booahboo said...

eggnog latte? wow.. that must be nice :)

you sure did a lot in one day.. we are not too productive here :D

Donna said...

Sounds like you're Ahead of the game! Lots of Work!
Can you buy extra and freeze it?? That way you could have it around whenever you want that treat!

Marg said...

Wow, you got a lot done. Wish I could get that much done in a week. That egg nog looks good. Enjoy. Take care. Hi Duke.

Sandee said...

Buy up the eggnog latte so you can have it through summer/autumn next year. I know lots of folks that do that with seasonal stuff they love.

Way to go on the painting. You'll be happy when it's all done.

Have a terrific Sunday. My best to Duke. :)

Unknown said...

I finally made it, but the speed is still comparable to dial-up. Be assured that I have a pretty good rant percolating for tomorrows "Come Monday..." Anyway, I am glad you are about done with your improvements.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Mmmm, eggnog ...

Ann said...

Audrey yep I sure do add it. I can't drink coffee black, I have to have sugar and some kind of creamer in it

Sandra I'm sure eggnog would work just as well if not better. I hope your keyboard is

allotments4you I haven't had it in years but when I saw this creamer I just had to buy it. Thought it would be rather fetive :)

livintheblues WOOHOO I'm not alone in the painting anymore.

Anny, I like it.

Donna I never thought of that, I just may have to do that.

Marg Believe me getting that much done in one day is a very rare thing indeed

Sandee You and Donna have the same idea, I think I'm going to have to do that

Fishhawk oh no, dial up speed stinks, you have my sympathy. I wish I was about done, I have several more rooms to go

Dennis the Vizsla yes, yummy :)

Anonymous said...

Eggnog latte sounds great! I'll have to tell my wife to try it :-)


Ann said...

The old geezer, well I know not everyone likes the taste of eggnog but I like it. Don't forget to tell your wife about it :)

spinninglovelydays said...

I'm not a coffee drinker (that's never stopped me from having some creamer straight though), but I do like eggnogg, so I'm curious about this product. I'll see if it's available on the shelves here. :)

Out on the prairie said...

I got my tree up for the 1st time in years over the last two daze.I can't believe how many decorations and lights I have accumulated. I like the cinnamon vanilla creamer too!

Anne said...

You are really getting a lot accomplished! Enjoy your eggnog latte. You might as well take advantage while it is around.

Tammy said...

I love eggnog so I'm sure I would love this.

Ann said...

spinning lovely days hmm never thought of drinking the creamer straight, may have to try

out on the prairie I've never tried that creamer, I'll have to look for it. Got my tree up too. I actually wanted to put it up this year. last year my daughter had to force me into it

anne yes for a change I am getting a lot done. Hope I can keep up the momentum

b boys mom. I've always liked it too. hadn't had any in years so I thought this would be great and I was right.

Ann said...

I'm going to have to get a container of the eggnog latte for my dad - he will love it! (Though first he'll say he doesn't NEED it, because that's how he rolls, ha) You are making so much progress with all the house work - looks great!

Ann said...

Ann, of course he doesn't need it that's the best part about getting and thank you, I'm loving how everything is turning out

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