Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I have the best blog friends ever

That's right, my blog friends are the best and sweetest there is. Not only do you make my day by visiting me but you leave me the nicest comments every single day. There's nothing that brightens my day than coming home from work and seeing my in box full of blog comments.
One of my blog friends reached beyond my email in box and sent something to my snail mail box. Last week I came home from work and found a box sticking out of my mail box. My first thought was that Wade must have ordered something for Christmas. Was I surprised when I saw that it was addressed to me. I didn't recognize the return address though.
I hurried inside to open it up and see just what it could be.

My sweet friend Marie at Spun by me sent me this.
The little card enclosed said that she had found this a couple years ago and bought it with good intentions but thought that I could make better use of it.
Now how sweet is that. It just made my day. I went through the whole thing and found so many neat little designs. My plan is to try each one and do a weekly post showing the ones that I've completed. I probably shouldn't tell  you about the plan because more often than not I don't follow through with most of my plans for my blog. But I'm sure going to give it my best effort.
So thank you again Marie. I just loved it.
And the rest of you, thanks for stopping by and seeing me every day. I just love ya all


Sandee said...

That was very nice indeed. I hope you enjoy your gift. Little surprises like this do make ones day.

We love you too.

Have a terrific evening. My very best to Duke. :)

Christie Cottage said...

Mailbox surprises are such a treat!

Have a wonderful evening!


Beebeebabs said...

Great gift!!!

Out on the prairie said...

What a great gift for such a nice person. I laughed at the little piggy on the cover.This is a good friend to have along with your community of blogger friends.

Ann said...

Sandee yes it was and I know I will.

Christie they sure are. wonderful surprise to come home to

beebeebabs, I thought so too

out on the prairie aw, you're all good friends to me. You guys just make my day. The pig is cute and so many others that are too

Catherine said...

How fun! I am looking forward to seeing all your lovely creations that I know you will make! :)
xo Catherine

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

That will be a lot of fun to see. I've only done a little quilling, but I liked it. I'll look forward to the projects, whenever they appear!

livintheblues said...

A bonus Christmas Gift..hard to be that..:)

BeadedTail said...

That was very thoughtful and a very nice surprise! Can't wait to see what you make!

Hugs to Duke!

Lin said...

I love that. :) Aren't bloggers the BEST??!

I look here and I see the same gang that visits me, visits you as well, and I count them as the best pallies EVER. Not a day goes by that you all don't make me smile too.

I had some great experiences this Christmas with the pallies and I count myself lucky to be a part of such a great group. YOU included!

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a wonderful gift! Marie is a very special blog friend, indeed! I am just crzy about that little pig, the designs are really, really cute!!!

Anonymous said...

It seems I shall benefit from the present you received because I just love the quilling work you do - can't wait to see what you come up with...

Unknown said...

What a nice surprise! I have seen one of these in the shops but it was a few years ago now ... I hope that you enjoy it and look forward to seeing your ventures. I am sure you'll have one little friend eyeing up your every move with this too - yes Duke strikes me as a most inquisitive little companion. :)

Unknown said...

Well, I didn't realize that you would accept such as a form of a bribe, and we've got a house (and then some) filled to the rafters with "stuff" (and related items)! So, get ready, you're fixing to get dumped on (I actually mean be impressed). Now, where did I put your address...

J. M. P. said...

It's a really nice gift, and we all will enjoy the new creations. Can't wait to see them!

allotments4you said...

That sure was nice of Marie...the fact that she recycled something so well is great...if there were more people like this in the world there would be less rubbish!!

I am a huge recycling fan and it is nice when you can recycle things this way rather than just crushing them!!

Russ said...

That was a great surprise. I love finding unexpected things in the mail box.Even better is the knock on the door and finding a big present that wouldn't fit in the mail box.Enjoy it and we are looking forward to see what you create.

Jen said...

What a kind and thoughtful surprise! Of course you have to know that now I'm wondering if there might be any horse patterns hiding inside that box of goodies :o)
Have a hug!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are so right, i LOVE finding my email full of blog comments and I love commenting on others and i love blogging and the friends we share with. can't wait to see what you make with your present.

Donna said...

Ahhhh! What a Sweet Lady!! She knows how to tempt you!!Hahaa
Can't wait to see all the new designs!!! Hope you are feeling lots better!!

DSS said...

How fun is that!! Have you ever "quilled" a westie? On a card or anything? I can't remember....

Carole Barkett said...

Awesome, can't wait to see what creations you make

Ann said...

cahterine I can't wait to get started with them. No excuse for being bored this winter

sharkybtes I'm still pretty new to it but I've been enjoying it and there's so many things you can do with it

livintheblues who doesn't love a bonus

beaded tail it sure was, it made my day

Lin bloggers are the best. It's almost like high school sometimes where all the same people hang out I'm with you, I feel very lucky.

Ginny there are some really cute designs in this, I was impressed with them

Grace why yes you will. I can't wait to settle in with it and have some fun

kloggers I've never seen one of these or if I had didn't pay any attention. Yes I'm sure Duke will have his nose in

Fishhawk I forgot to tell you I moved, let me give you the NEW address :)

Josep yes it is and I will be

allotments4you it sure was. I like the idea of giving away rather than throwing away. Just like the old saying goes "one mans trash is another mans treasure"

Russ oh yes, love the knock on the door I don't get those very often

Jen yes it was. I'll check through and see and you'll be the first to know if i find a horse

sandra I never thought I would enjoy blogging as much as I do. My husband thinks it's silly but I am having the time of my life with it

donna very sweet. She's very crafty herself and she's always inspiring me with the things she makes

DSS never quilled a westie but one of these days I am going to figure one out

country mouse studio totally awesome

Marg said...

Ann we wouldn't stop by if we weren't crazy about your blog. It is tons of fun to visit you. That was so nice of your friend to send you that crafty stuff. I amazed everyday how wonderful the blogging world is. Bloggers are just the best people and most supportive people there are. We love all our bloggie friends too.
Take care and enjoy your new stuff.

gayle said...

That was so sweet of her!! It's always exciting when I get something in the mail!

marie said...

I can't wait to see all the posts about the projects you make with this calendar! I knew your home was the perfect home for it!
Enjoy it and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Tammy said...

That is so sweet! See you are really loved by all of your blog friends. I have to say that I love everything on the cover. I can't wait to see your projects. I'm sure they will be as wonderful.

Ann said...

marg aww thanks that's so nice. I just love how people who have never met face to face can come together and begin a friendship

gayle yes it was. I love getting surprises like this

marie that was just such a wonderful surprise when I opened that. I thank you again for your wonderful gift

b boys mom I don't think I saw one thing in the whole calendar that I didn't like. You guys are all just wonderful and you just make my day with your kindness

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