Sunday, December 5, 2010

Who says it's a day off

I was up early this morning. Sat in front of my computer with my coffee and the Sunday blog posts and took some time to wake up before I started in on the living room again. By 7:30 a.m. I was dressed and moving well enough to get going. I got 2 coats of paint on another wall, 1 coat on a third wall, put everything back together and put up the Christmas tree. By 2:00 p.m. I was exhausted and ready for a nap. I'm just getting too old for this stuff.
Today I have some pictures of the kitchen and dining room. Later on in the week I'll show you the living room and I'm sure I'll have plenty of pictures of Christmas stuff ahead.
 With the exception of the floor which now needs scrubbed stripped and re-sealed the kitchen is looking pretty good. I can't remember the last time my kitchen looked so clean.
The fish tank was around the corner but we moved it in to the dining room. I still need to take down all those birds on the shelves over the fish tank and clean them up and wipe down the shelves but this room is looking pretty good too. We also have to replace some trim but first we have to go get it.


Sharkbytes (TM) said...

That looks really nice. I usually don't care for blond wood cabinets, but with the dark counters and the white walls, it all looks really nice. Way to go!

Out on the prairie said...

It looks real nice, you have been a very busy gal.I like the after of painting having something nice and new.You color opens up your space nice.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

WOW! Looks great! I really Love the color of your cabinets against the wall color! All of your hard work has really paid off in a beautiful home :)

PS How did you get these photos without Duke showing up?!?

jeanlivingsimple said...

Your work has paid off! :)

Anne said...

It looks so great! Your kitchen looks cooking-friendly, which is very important to me.

VanillaSeven said...

Your house is very clean ann. Even the water in the fish tank looks clear!

Ginny Hartzler said...

This post is very interesting to me, Ann. You are mentioning that you are too old, but you look extremly young from your profile picture, is it an old one? It's a samll picture, but from the looks of it I thought you are no older than in your thirties. Your kitchen looks lovely!! Isn't it just a great feeling to have a completly clean kitchen? Yours is very similar to mine!! My cabinets are that shade, maybe a bit lighter, and I have the same sink and faucet with the fridge opposite. I wish I had those tall skinny doors, I bet that's the pantry where you keep your food. I love your knick knack shelf, now I want one!!

Unknown said...

Well Ann - wonderful job ..... wouldn't fancy coming and tackling mine would you?

It's amazing how many tips there are out there and let's be honest we're all tempted to try them especially when they offer the ultimate in time saving. Some are unusual ... one tip that was spread around England was to use Johnson's Baby Oil to shine around the area by your sink where you keep the soap tablet. It was alleged that it makes it so much quicker and easier to clean ... mentioning no names but you can guess who had a go at doing that! Then there was the miracle of placing conkers on the tops of cabinets to stop the spiders spinning webs (spiders apparently walk the other way if they can sense a conker left anywhere about). Then the ultimate for cleaning white plastic including double glazing and plastic window ledges - this is apparently wished away with a squish of Jif or Cif depending whereabouts you are in the world - whether you get things done in a jiffy or ciffy I suppose. Lol ... well the list is endless - including the large tub of elbow grease that we all keep in the cupboard under the stairs.

Anonymous said...

Ohh, I love your kitchen. I totally prefer light wood cabinets - only good thing about my kitchen is the light cabinets. Very nice indeed.

gayle said...

Wow you got so much done in a short time! You are speedy!

Lin said...

Ann--will you quit already?? You are making me look bad. :)

That said--it looks GREAT!

BeadedTail said...

Your kitchen looks really good! I'm with Lin though, your hard work is making me look and feel so lazy! :)

Duni said...

Your kitchen is looking great, Ann!
Our cabinets are light wood with darker countertops too!

Christmas-etc... said...

The kitchen looks fabulous, Ann! Oh what a great feeling!!
Happy St. Nicholas Day to you!

Unknown said...

Your kitchen and dining room looks wonderful, but I couldn't find Duke in either picture. What happened?

Jackie said...

It is beautiful Ann. I love everything about it. You guys are doing an awesome job!
I hope you have a terrific week!

Catherine said...

It's looking good Ann! Very pretty. It's always such a good feeling finishing renovations isn't it. Painting is hard work and very tiring. Hope you got a snooze in on Sunday! :)
xo Catherine

Russ said...

Your kitchen is looking fantastic. I love the fact you can place the knickknacks on top of your cabinets. It is all looking good.

Erika said...

Ann, it looks great! I wish my kitchen counters looked so clean:) It will be wonderful to see everything all together with the Christmas decorations and then you can just sit and admire all of the hard work.

J. M. P. said...

It looks lovely, Ann. Last August I painted one room and I still feel exhausted!

Sandee said...

Looking good Ann. Pretty soon you'll have everything done and can relax. It's a lot of work, but it's worth it.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Helen said...

That was what I like about painting. It makes everything look nice and clean. Isn't it so rewarding? You are so inspiriting, Ann. I can't wait to finish painting my hall way. I can't paint in the winter since I have small children. More time to craft!

Bossy Betty said...

Looks great!!! Amazing what paint will do, huh? I need to get some out and get busy around here too!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you go girl! i got tired just reading about your day, the kichen looks great.

♥ Sallie said...

That is one nice kitchen!


Audrey said...

Looks great! I always find that mornings are my most productive time of the day.
Can't wait for the Christmasy photos :)

livintheblues said...

as much as it becomes a chore.. the end result is the pay off...:)

Ann said...

sharkbytes thanks, I used to have really dark cabinets in the kitchen and it made the whole room look rather gloomy that's why I went with the light when it was remodeled years ago

outontheprairie thank you and now after being so busy I'm exhausted :)

LDH the cabinets look much nicer with this color than they did with the green that used to be there

Jean yes it sure has

Anne thank you, and yeah it is pretty cooking friendly

vanilla seven believe it or not that fish tank hasn't been cleaned out in over a year. It's being taken care of by an algae eater that does an excellent job.

Ginny Oh thank you I think you are my new best friend :) I'm actually going to be 49 next march but I wish I was still in my 30's.

kloggers I don't think I would have the energy to do it all I've tried a lot of those "tips" myself, some work and some not so much

grace I prefer the light also. and thank you very much

gayle when I get motivated enough I can be, it's just getting myself going

Lin lol, I'm sorry but this project has been a long time coming. If it makes you feel better I'll show some pictures of what a mess my house has been in the past.

beaded tail don't worry I'll get lazy soon enough, I always return to lazy

duni thank you . I like the dark counters with the light cabinets

ann thanks it is a great feeling to finally have it looking good

fishhawk Duke was off watching football when I took the photos. I stopped to take the pictures while I was getting him a drink and snack

shinade thank you. so far I'm totally pleased with how everything is turning out

catherine thanks and yes it's a great feeling. I really hate the painting and worse yet is the cleaning up afterwards

russ I love the bird houses on top of the cabinets but they get so darn dusty up there and I rarely take them down to clean them

erika mine don't always look that clean and as a matter of fact I took a couple pictures and realized there was stuff sitting out on the counters so I put it all away and took another

josep thank you very much. painting is very tiring. Wade's arm is still sore from doing the celing

Sandee thanks yes when I'm done I'll be able to appreciate how worth it it really

helen I was rather worried about the paint fumes without being able to open the windows but this paint wasn't bad at all.

bossy betty it sure is. it made the rooms look so different

sandra believe me I was exhausted after I got done with this

sallie thank you very much

audrey oh me too, if I don't get started early in the day it just isn't getting done

livintheblues I couldn't agree with you more.

tahtimbo said...

It looks great! Wow, I would give to have our kitchen look that clean. It seems that every time I get it cleaned, not more than a day or two later, it looks just like it did before.
I just noticed: your flooring looks like the kind that we installed a few years ago. It was called country-something and has wide planks.

Whimcees said...


Everything looks wonderful! You are working so hard but the results are well worth it! I see all of the room in your beautiful kitchen and I am so envious! Love your snowman plates! :<)

Wishing you a good day!


Barbara Diane

Carole Barkett said...

looking good, it will be nice to have it all done.

Ann said...

tahtimbo believe me it's a lot easier to keep any room clean when you don't have kids living at home. Well maybe with the exception of my craft

whimcees thank you. Yes the hard work is worth the end results. I always thought my kitchen was a bit small but it actually is the perfect size for me now

Country mouse thanks, yes it will :L)

allotments4you said...

It looks great bright and airy but with that touch of 'welcomness' to it!!

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