Thursday, February 10, 2011

Duke's defense

Hello everyone. Mom is letting me take over the blog tonight to tell my side of the story.

You see yesterday she showed you this picture of me on top of Mount Sectional Sofa

Well my good friends Angel, Isabella and Sadie pointed out that they had seen me napping in this picture

They were 100% correct. I was on the back of a couch and I was napping. However, this is Mount Reclining Sofa. You see, Canine labor laws in our area require that I take frequent nap breaks to prevent over stress from my high pressure duties. I don't need these naps but the law says I must take them. 
That's my story and I'm sticking too it.

A big thank you to Beaded Tail for the subject of tonight's blog post.


Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

All great photo's ... love your westie!

Sandee said...

You know our baby says the same thing. Bwahahahahaha. Works for me Duke. I believe every word you say.

A big hello to your mom. My very best to you. :)

Reeni said...

Aww Duke I can't even concentrate on what you're saying - you're cuteness is so distracting! Maybe you were napping with one eye open?

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! NAPs are very important. Naps are rules n laws that one must follow. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Marg said...

Those kitties and that wonderful Sadie over there at Beaded Tail are just the greatest and what ever they say goes for sure. It is the law that you take those naps Duke so not to worry. Hope you have a great evening. Take care.

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Duke- you look so sad- Don't let those required naps stress you out.

Anne said...

Our dog Hamlet must comply with the same labor laws.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Duke, you are such a law abiding citizen. And... that last photo make me want to give you a big hug!

BeadedTail said...

Duke, you made us giggle tonight! You are just so cute and we're so glad you comply with the Canine labor laws of Pawsylvania and take those mandatory nap breaks! We certainly don't want you breaking any laws!

booahboo said...

I am pretty amazed that you are able to snooze on top of Mount Sectional Sofa Duke. I would have slide over and knock my silly head. Love all your photos today Duke... esp the last one.

woofs n licks,

Tanyia said...

Duke.... you are adorable!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Boy, those canine laws are RUFF!!! But I can see where you would have to take so many naps, being that you live in such a mountanious area and all. I love the twinkle they put into those big eyes!!

gayle said...

Your Duke is beautiful!

livintheblues said...

stick to your guns.. naps are good thing..:)

Lin said...

Oh, Duke, you are so darn cute!! I think we would like to dogsit you should your mommeh want to go on vacation. :) We would have fun!

VanillaSeven said...

I love noon nap :D
I think the government should encouraged it in every office!

Duni said...

You look SO cute in all of the pics, Duke, especially the last one. Love it!

Catherine said...

Haha ~ oh yes ~ it is the law!! I wish one of those laws would be implemented at the work place! :)
xo Catherine

Russ AKA Grampy said...

Well we all know you tell it like it is Duke. A dog has to do what is required of him. We must have the same laws because Claudia is always nodding off.

DSS said...

I just want to snuggle Duke! He's so cute. I wonder how fun it may be to get all of our westies together for a day in the park. Too bad we live so far away :( I feel sure they would all become fast friends!

Unknown said...

Duke, you don't have to defend yourself to anyone, but it is good that you are law-abiding citizen. By the way, how's mom on paying overtime? If it ain't in at least bacon bits, I'd turn her in!

Out on the prairie said...

mine would run off with the yarn

MadSnapper n Beau said...

great blog, Duke, don't tell mommy i said so, she might get jealous. you look adorable sitting or sleeping on whatever mountian you prefer. love that blue knitted throw in your first portrait. you look good with bright blue

Lynn said...

Hey, Duke, you are one handsome male and would sure love to meet you. My friend, Luc, the goofy Lab, doesn't think too much of you; but, hey, who cares what he thinks and is jealous.

Your friend in Texas,

allotments4you said...

Oh the last picture is ADORABLE Duke..d'you want to post yourself to me?? You would be dearly loved and thoroughly spoilt!!!

Donna said...

Hahahahaaa....Awwww Duke...I'm SO glad you cleared this up! That Mommy is Something Else!!
Happy Weekend!

Julie Harward said...

That last pic is a heart stealer! ;D

Bossy Betty said...

Well, of course you had to rest! You have such a hard life, Duke, and you deserve to relax.

Jille said...

That's just what my dog Harry says too!
Jille x

Tammy said...

We would never want you to break the law! Keep on napping.

Ann said...

Thanks for the comments everyone. I'm back to playing catch up again. So to save some time I'll do one comment here to everyone. Duke appreciates your support :)

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