Saturday, February 12, 2011

pieces parts

At the beginning of the month I showed you a sneak peek at some of the projects I was working on. It was on this post. If you remember I gave you a look at a jumbo quilling project I had going. I still don't have it finished as it was on the back burner while I finished other things and then added some more. I'm still working on some Valentine projects right now but I did make a little progress on the quilling.
Here's a little look at something else that will be included
I'm not really that far from completing this project. I have all the pieces finished and now it's just a matter of working out how I want to assemble the whole thing.
I will say that this project makes me forget about the cold winter weather at least for a little while.


Sharkbytes said...

Very cool- I love how the wings are crinkly as well as coiled. What do you do with your quilling creations?

BeadedTail said...

I like the crinkly wings too. Very pretty!

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is beautiful! The blue on the outer wings doesn't even look like papaer, it has different thicknesses.

Anonymous said...

Oh my word! I can't wait to see the finished project. Supah!

Ann said...

sharkbytes some I keep but most I give away

beaded tail thanks, the weight of the paper made it do the crinkly look all on it's own when I rolled it

ginny it's a very heavy paper probably the weight of cardstock

grace hopefully you won't have to wait much longer

allotments4you said...

That is a wonderful butterfly...I'm thinking that maybe bright summer flowers will be in the final project too!!!!

Philippa said...

Oh yes, looking GOOOOD! I love the wire antennae!

Russ AKA Grampy said...

Butterflies and flowers could make me feel like spring. Love the butterfly.

Unknown said...

Oh my, our cats would really love to play with that!

Marg said...

That is really great stuff Ann. I like the colors a lot and the antennas. At least I think they are antennas. Guess everyone looks at things differently. Keep working. But have a fun day too. Our best to Duke.

livintheblues said...

if this winter continues much longer I am going to start crafting...:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

nothing says happy more than a big beautiful butterfly. it really is pretty and the photo is great. i am waiting to see what you will do with this b fly

Unknown said...

Very pretty butterfly! It's interesting seeing where you go with your quilling!

Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my 'Pink Saturday'-post. I love pink, so Beverly's meme is fun to do.

I am very late with some Valentine-heart-jewellery. I am going to post & list them anyway. I figure that hearts never out of style even though Valentine's Day is tomorrow!


Alain said...

Your butterfly looks amazing! That's a very clever design.

Catherine said...

You put so much work into your creations! Lovely Ann!
xo Catherine

Donna said...

How Pretty!!! You're so flippin' Crafty!
It's suppose to be 70 here today! It's a wonder I can even breathe...up and down...up and down weather!

Connie Girl said...

Wow! That is really awesome! I want to learn to do that but I have so many other projects going on I don't have time. Really beautiful.

Out on the prairie said...

The crocheted hearts you showed have consumed someone all morning.I hear a few hems and haws, but have seen two finished. I like the wavy paper for the wings.

Unknown said...

that is so cool! i just love looking at all your craftiness, you do an amazing job! have a wonderful day!


Bossy Betty said...

This is so incredibly cute!

Happy Sunday to you and Duke!

Miawa said...

It's gorgeous! It's cute and you are so clever.

Tanyia said...

Ann, I love how the crimped or crinkled paper gives the wings a textured look! Gorgeous!

Antonella said...

What a sweet butterfly... Can't wait to see the finished project!!! Hugs, antonella :-)

Ann said...

allotments4you ah, you may be thinking right :)

philippa now if I could just get those antennae to stay

russ too bad they weren't the real thing

fishhawk I'm afraid it probably wouldn't hold up very well and the fun would be short lived

marg yes they are antennas. and thank you so much

livintheblues I hear ya, it does seem to last forever

sandra hopefully I won't keep you waiting too long

anna thanks, I'm sort of winging it with this project and making it up as I go along

Alan thank you so much

catherine well sometimes I do and sometimes I just sit and look at

donna thanks. I hate that up and down stuff, why can't it just make up it's mind already. 70 sounds nice though, we reached 43 today

connie I hear ya, so many crafts, so little time.

out on the prairie those hearts are addicting. I don't know how many I did all together

PJ thanks, glad to see you popping in today. Hope all is well with you

bossy betty thanks and a happy sunday to you also

Miawa and you are too kind :)

tanyia and the best part is that it wasn't even intentional. The paper just sort of did that on it's own while I was rolling it

Antonella thanks, I hope I can get it finished before long.

Carole Barkett said...

Very sweet, I love the colors

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