Friday, February 18, 2011

Well he seems to like it

Thankfully I took a picture of it before Duke got a hold of it.
We had a little game of tug of war with it and then when I wasn't watching Duke proceeded to give his new toy a makeover. He felt that the ball inside would look better if it was hanging out.


Sandee said...

Yep they can get pretty rough on these toys can't they. Our Little Bit (85 pounds) can make mincemeat out of about any toy you get her. Bless her heart.

Have a terrific day. My best to the little man. :)

Tanyia said...

lol how cute. Ginger does the same thing, the little stinkers!

Catherine said...

A sure sign of a well loved pet ~ lots of toys to play with! :)
xo Catherine

Marg said...

Oh Noos Duke, Did you take that toy apart. Oh well, what else are toys for anyway. Good job, Duke.

BeadedTail said...

Looks like Duke likes his new toy! Sadie used to de-stuff her toys too so now she just gets a regular indestrucable Kong.

Reeni said...

Sometimes I wish I had a dog just to buy him cute toys like this!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, I would have liked to see a picture of it after Duke performed surgery!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! That's great ... You got another toy, DUKE. Happy Weekend! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Rick (Ratty) said...

It looks like an excellent dog toy. I used to buy my old dog toys like this and any other, but she never liked them. She was only ever satisfied with an old tennis ball. I loved the toys, and I always wished the dog would too. :)

tahtimbo said...

That is too funny! He sounds a lot like our two cats, who just HAVE to tear their mice apart to get at the plastic that is inside.

Sheri said...

Bubba said to tell you that it was so nice of you to give Duke the new toy. He thinks you should get them for him more often.

Unknown said...

super cute!!!!

Unknown said...

Dear Ann,

What a cute chew toy!
Thank you so much for commenting on my S-post. Yes, I'm with you. I find mystery stories entertaining, a comfort and company when you are stuck somewhere and have to wait. Insurance against boredom!

Best wishes,
For the benefit of other readers:
Anna's AT-S, S is for Swedish Summer in books

Unknown said...

I wish our pups would play with toys. For they have just sat there and looked at us like we were stupid or something when we have gotten them something to play with. Treats are a different story, however.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

our dog cooper, deceased now, loved toys and the best thing was destroy it and pull out whatever was inside. he stil played with the toys, he just wanted the insides out. this is a really cute toy for the cutest of canines

Donna said...

LOLOLolol......what a cutie he is!
I love the photography Ann! He definitely takes a great shot!

Duni said...

What a fun-looking toy! Sammy's toys don't last very long either ;-)

Russ AKA Grampy said...

Well Duke. I think you broke Claudia's record. It usually takes her all day to disassemble her toys. We have to get her hard rubber toys and then she manages to mangle them also. I guess that is what they do best.

Anne said...

That is such a cute toy. My dog would love it. I am surprised Duke was able to get the ball out so quickly. The Kongs are usually pretty tough.

allotments4you said...

My dog always destroyed his toys in about two seconds flat...but then continued to play with them forever...he seemed to think that the manufacturers never got it

Out on the prairie said...

I wish a few i had were washable, they get a bit gross.

livintheblues said...

nothing like a good tug of war with a toy..:)

WillOaks Studio said...

Hi Ann & Duke--just popping by to see what's up and my goodness you look good today, Duke!! Destruction becomes you...ho ho.

WillOaks Studio said...

Oh, I forgot to mention, you know how Duke has a way of getting all the attention? Well, we're using Dakota for that trick when we do our new job gallery sitting...sometimes folks spot her and I guess they actually come into the gallery to check her out and THEN I try to talk to them about fine art, too...heeheehee, she's such a hit.

Ann said...

Sandee I never would have thought that such a little dog could be so rough on toys

tanyia at least they have fun right

catherine if that's the case duke is overflowing with love

marg that's what duke says :)

beaded tail I've thought of doing that but duke says he can not live by kong

reeni lol, you could buy them for moon

ginny I should have taken one

sugar happy weekend to you too sugar

ratty duke likes tennis balls, he says they are fun to peel

tahtimbo I have to wonder if there were no plastic squeeker inside the toy if duke would still rip it apart

sheri duke agrees with that

roschelle thanks

anna give me a good mystery over a romance novel any day

fishhawk treats always carry a higher rank than toys do

sandra duke had a very mangled toy that was his favorite. I finally threw it away because he kept chewing off pieces of plastic and trying to eat them

donna thanks and duke appreciates the compliments

duni at least we know they are enjoying them i guess

russ duke works very fast and he doesn't give up until the job is done

anne he couldn't get the ball all the way out but he did chew a piece of the outside fabric off that was big enough to pull part of it out.

allotments4you oh yeah, duke keeps playing with them too. I think he figures they are more fun once they're roughed up

out on the prairie tell me about it :)

livintheblues duke's sentiments exactly

willoaks lol he's the king of destruction when it comes to toys. Good idea using Dakota, sort of the old bait and switch tactic

Doris Sturm said...

Next time I go to PetSmart, I'll have to find one of those for Gizzy - he loves to play tug-o-war with his Miss Piggy ;-) (yes, and me)

Ann said...

Doris, hope Gizzy can make it last longer than Duke did. It says not a chew toy and not to leave them unattended but I wasn't paying attention and he was having fun :)

DSS said...

I just laughed out loud at your last sentence. BFF gave Louis a knock off brand of this toy for his birthday. He also "removed" the ball for unknown reasons. He still adores the toy...sans ball :)

Ann said...

Dss, duke does love to reconstruct his toys.

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