Tuesday, February 1, 2011

just for fun

I don't play around with photoshop elements as much as I used to but sometimes I just feel the urge to do some mindless editing. I'll take a picture that really isn't anything special and just start messing around with it. I don't have any particular plan or idea, I just try things.
I took this picture while I was sitting in the car waiting for Wade one day.
 Don't ask me why I took it, I just do things like that sometimes. When I'm bored or killing time I pull out the camera and take a picture of anything. Sandra might refer to these as Snapper shots.

So I took this shot and started messing around with it to see what I could do with it. I couldn't tell you what all I did because I never remember when I'm finished. But I rather liked the way it ended up looking.


Reeni said...

It was a great shot before you messed with it and is even more stunning afterwards! I love it! I have Photoshop elements but couldn't do that if I tried!

Lin said...

Oh, I like it too! I was thinking of taking a PSE class this spring. I have the darn program, but no time to sit and learn all of it on my own. It's expensive though...rats.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I think you have an eye for interesting shots! And the altered image is frame worthy! I Love it!

livintheblues said...

nice work ..:)

Sharkbytes said...

That is very interesting, indeed. I looks like a painting... and a good one at that.

Tanyia said...

Wow...that looks really cool, actually! I can definitely picture that framed and on my wall! :)

Unknown said...

Lovely photo and reworked photo too. The snow simplifies the landscape, makes it so stark and graphic!

Thanks for commenting on my new bracelets. Glad you like the wire-wrapped one. I wish I could do more wire-wrapping, but I am short on supplies.
You are first commenter on that post and get an extra link.

Erika said...

That is cool. It would make for one of your great cards.

I had to get a new digital camera since I dropped mine and I cannot stand all of the bells and whistles--now I have to relearn another one and just when I was feeling a bit more confident with the photo-editing stuff!

BeadedTail said...

I really what you did too! It looks like a lovely piece of art now. Very creative!

Zach June (Fledgling Blogger) said...

You did a marvelous job! :)

I hope I could be as creative as you. I wish I could have the knack for the visual arts! ;)

Anonymous said...

Well you know me, I like my photos straight and that's an awfully good one tho I do like the way tree came out in the edited one...

Sandee said...

I really like how it ended up. What does Duke think? I'm sure he likes it too.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, I really like the first shot, anyway. That was for sure worth taking. But now you have made it a work of art, how lovely. And I love how it changed the tree!

Philippa said...

Fantastic! And you've managed to overlay some writing, too - I'd love to know how you did that, although I know exactly what you mean about playing about until you like the result, but can't remember just what you've done LOL!! Great photo, anyway, and you've certainly had a horrendous amount of snow. Hope it thaws soon ...

Unknown said...

That is a really cool effect. Can you apply it to something you have written or copied from somewhere?

Jen said...

Too cool! Looks just like a picture postcard from way back when :o)

Catherine said...

I really like how your photo turned out. Very fun!
xo Catherine

Russ AKA Grampy said...

Great Pictures Ann. The second looks like you just painted it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like both, the untouched and the touched and you are so right, this is a snapper shot and that is what i do, when i get bored i get out the camera, even at home and just snap anything to play with. you did good and i like it. keep snapping and playing in PS.

allotments4you said...

That's lovely Ann...I once pretty bland (due to the snow and all) photo now looks like an oil painting done on canvas.

I really should try playing a bit more...maybe i could get my veggies looking top notch!!!...lol

Donna said...

It's Gorgeous!!!!
Look At That flippin' SNOW!!!

Bossy Betty said...

Gorgeous picture--both before and after! You have such an artistic eye.

Jeanette said...

I like what you did with that picture. Frame worthy, I think!

Ann said...

Very cool - love the texture. It would make a beautiful Christmas card.

Out on the prairie said...

Lovely effect, I saw one where you can make it a painting on IMAC apps.

Leeuna said...

It looks like a painting. And it would make a lovely Christmas card. Usually when I mess around with a photo, it looks terrible. This is great.

Audrey said...

It definitely looks like a painting. Very cool! I can barely take photos never mind edit them

Anonymous said...

Both look great!

The photoshop one looks good enough to be framed and sold for big bucks! :-)

Take care and have a nice day :-)


Angela said...

Oh, wow!!! I love this. The bare branches against the sky. I thought it was an amazing photo even before you played around with it. You have such a great eye!

Marg said...

We like that a lot but we have one request. Please don't change Duke's color. He is such a pretty white. But that is very artistic. Good job. Stay warm.

Ann said...

In an effort to catch myself up once again, I'm just going to make one comment to thank you all for stopping by and your kind words. Hope everyone is staying warm that got hit with the snow.

Sheri said...

I love what you've done to this picture. You took a so so looking picture and turned it into artwork! Great job!

Anne said...

It is a great photo but I can't deal with anymore snow. I will be much more enthusiastic about snow free photos.

Tammy said...

I like you messing. It looks like a fancy painting.

Ann said...

Sheri, Anne and Tammy, thanks so much

a paper {life} said...

~wow~ very nice. I am the same with photoshop...don't ask me how I did it and god forbid I try to do it again.

and I just wanted to say thanks so much for all of your nice comments on my blog. I thought I was a follower of yours....but apparently not. So now I am~

Ann said...

Cheryl, oh I know, repeating something is almost impossible. I really should learn to write things down as I go along. Glad to have you as a follower and I always enjoy visiting you and seeing your lovely creations

Donna said...


I love it!

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