Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Picture play

I guess no matter how hard I wish for things to be different I just have to face facts

As much as I would like to be wonder woman I just don't always have the energy.

Life doesn't come with a remote control.
You can't rewind and replay the good parts, you can't pause when things are hectic.  You can't stop and get off this crazy merry go round we call life. But you can record all the precious memories and you can play your role with enthusiasm.

There really is no point to this post other than a few of my random pictures from Sunday and the thoughts behind them.
The only other thought I have before I leave you for the night is "Man, is that remote control ever filthy"


Sandee said...

All remote controls are filthy. Never go to a motel/hotel and touch them. Bring a baggie and deposit it in that. Just saying.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Sheri said...

I agree with Sandee, I thought all remotes were dirty too. How cool would it be if life had a delete button so you could take back all your mistakes!

Julie Harward said...

Good thoughts here...and yes that is one dusty remote..Duke did it, right?! ;D

Donna said...

Looks like someones been having some good snacks while watching the tube! Could it have been The Duke???

Indrani said...

So true and so well told with pictures. "Life doesn't come with a remote control."

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I think this post is thought provoking. I wish life had some of those options!

Erika said...

Remote controls and keyboards--gross!

Wouldn't it be nice if at times you could TiVo life?

Ginny Hartzler said...

Yes, Dr. Oz says never to touch the remotes in hotels! There probably isn't a clean one on the face of the earth. And who's face is that?

Anonymous said...


BeadedTail said...

I like your message in this post! I'd check to see how dirty our remote is but I don't seem to get to touch it very often!

allotments4you said...

Don't mean to be picky but I did notice the dirt...lol...as for the fast forward/rewind thing on life....wouldn't that just be great!!!!n Have you seen 'Click'???

Philippa said...

If life did have a pause button, how often would we use it? We'd all be frozen in time!

June Zach (Fledgling Blogger) said...

I so love this post. Your words of wisdom made me think. :)

Duni said...

I agree with Erika - our keyboards are just as filthy ;-)

marie said...

I've been needing to change my batteries for quite some time....if only!
Thanks for some (good) food for thought Ann!

Unknown said...

DUKE! Where are you, boy? Your mom needs help again.

Russ AKA Grampy said...

Some very good thoughts. Now you have everyone running around cleaning their remotes. I love that first picture. Have a good day.

Catherine said...

LOL ~ too funny! It looks like the remote is well used! :)
Happy Wednesday Ann!
xo Catherine

Audrey said...

If life came with a remote - my MUTE button would be permanently on!

Tanyia said...

ok...that first pic is so cool looking .... bwahahaha...see what I did there? Cool.... cool....get it? get it? lol!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like that first photo of the face, am wondering if it is an ice scupture? or a statue with frost on it? LOL at the dirt on the remote, i took a photo of my oil lamp that looked clean to me, and when i brought it up on the screen i shuddered. my story is the camera magnifies and makes it LOOK dirty, dirt not seen by human eyes. that is my story and i am stickin to it

Bossy Betty said...

It's your super-duper camera. I recently took pictures of my keyboard and if I believed my camera, I would never touch the keyboard again.

Hope you have a happy day.

P.S. I notice the battery is rechargeable (and so are you!)

SmallTownMommy said...

The photos are great although I can't see the remote control photo for some reason. I do like the face that looks like an ice sculpture.

DSS said...

Truer words have never been spoken. I get so run down sometimes, and I just want to rewind to last summer. Or the summer before. When it was warm, and I was laying in the sun with the people I love.

Le sigh...soon enough another good memory will be created. I just know it :)

Marg said...

That is so true, all remotes are filthy. Interesting pictures. All you can do is try to find something positive out of each day. I learned that from having cancer. Every day is precious. Take care.

Doris Sturm said...

That first picture is of an ice carving, right? I find those very amazing.

I entered you in my Giveaway! Good luck :-)

Ann said...

Sandee very good advice :)

sheri oh yeah, I need a delete button

julie but of course it was duke...lol

donna duke does do a lot of late night snacking so I'm assuming it had to have been him

indrani thanks, I like trying to do the story through pictures

LDH wouldn't it be nice

erika well I've never had any experience with TiVo so it might be fun to try it :)

ginny well at least I know where the remote at home has been unlike the ones in hotels...lol The face is part of a crystal statue I have on a shelf in my living room

Grace, thanks

beaded tail lol, same here. I have no say in what the tv is doing unless I go in another room and use the other tv

allotments4you lol, I didn't until I saw the picture. No never saw click

philippa don't know about pause but I think I would rewind sometimes

junezach thanks, glad you liked it

duni I think my keyboard is much worse than the remote...lol

marie you are quite welcome. I need a battery change as well

fishhawk he's taking a break, said to tell you he'll be around soon

russ LOL, I started a remote cleaning frenzy, sorry about that

catherine yes it is but not by me :)

audrey mute, I didn't think of that one.

tanyia no I don't get it...rofl. feeling silly tonight huh sis...lol

sandra it's a crystal sculpture thing I have in my living room. maybe I'll have to show a pic of the whole thing. I like your theory on dirt too, works for me

bossy betty tell me about it, my keyboard is gross and I can tell that without the camera. Oh yeah, rechargeable is a must for the batteries and for me

small town mommy you aren't missing much, it's really dirty...lol

dss I hear ya, and yes another good memory will be created soon enough and many more after

marg, yep, every day has to have at least one redeeming quality, right?

doris it's a crystal statue, it has a wolf and the indian face. Thanks for the entry

livintheblues said...

your right no rewind or replay..but you did get me to clean my remote..:)

allotments4you said...

You definitely should watch 'Click'...it has Adam Sandler in it....kind of puts into perspective that maybe ffw and rw life isn't such a great thing!!

Tammy said...

Funny I noticed that too. I then thought I wonder how bad our is? Oh well easy to clean.

Ann said...

livintheblues lol, now if I could only get myself to clean mine

allotments4you I'll have to look for it. Adam Sandler has had some good movies out

tammy yes but if it's so easy then why do I do it so infrequently?...lol

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