Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The great debate

I'm sure there are other households out there who have this same disagreement.
So I ask you
Should it roll from the back?

Or should it roll from the front?
At one time I really did think this was an important issue. Now it really doesn't matter just as long as it's there when you need it.


Doris Sturm said...

I had this debate with my uncle years ago and it was established that it's easier to have it roll from the front (why, I don't exactly remember, so that's what I do now)

Catherine said...

Yes, it seems that it is just the thing to do to roll from the front...if only all debates could be this simple..Blessings, Catherine

Lin said...

Hobbes prefers it over the top---much easier to empty the roll that way for kitties.

Sandee said...

From the front as it's easier to find the end of the TP. Don't know if it's right, but it's the way hubby and I have done it for years.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Donna said...

Front! Please! LOL, if I come to visit, I'll feel compelled to change it in your powder room if you have it like the first picture. Yes, I am OCD - hahaha!!!!

More than you EVER want to know about the controversy can be found here:

Donna said...

Front is a Must!!! Am I ALSO OCD????Hahaaa

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Ours never actually gets on the holder. The big issue is "within reach"

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

From the front at my house :)

Marg said...

This is not an issue in our house either since I have to keep the TP under lock and key with all these cats that live here and their very favorite thing to do is to shred the TP. So it is in a hamper that they cannot open.

Catherine said...

From the back please! :)
xo Catherine

Ginny Hartzler said...


booahboo said...

i have this same debate each time i am in the loo... but.. as long as there's paper there.. i don't really care if its front or back *LOL*

Tanyia said...

ugh omg, it HAS to come from the front/top!

Unknown said...

It should always roll from the front, as if it is turned around the other way and you pull at the roll it has a prepensity to break at the back of the holder and tears at the mid point making it difficult to then find the point of the tear. This is then considered to be bad manners for the following person that uses the toilet. .... so it is just a good manners thing.

marie said...

I like my TP "over the top" - and liek you, I really like it to be where it's suppose to be!

Rick (Ratty) said...

I never had a preference. If I get used to one way then a change seems odd. I never quite understood why there would be a debate. But a lot of the times I just put it on the back of the toilet anyway, so I'm no judge.

BeadedTail said...

Front here! And preferably with more than two squares left on it. :)

Anonymous said...

Since I am the one who always seem to have to put a new roll on, I set it to roll from the front.

Unknown said...

My wife wants it to roll from the front. There is no debating.

allotments4you said...

I like mine to roll from the back...I don't know why and when ANYONE else changes the roll it is always on the wrong way round and I can never leave it...I just have to turn it. I suppose in the grand scheme of things you're right...as long as it's re-placed does it really matter?? I guess not but I just know I'll never stop turning it!!...lol

Philippa said...

I used to think 'back' ... but I was fighting a losing battle with the family, and now it's 'front'!!

Russ AKA Grampy said...

I believe front. Makes it easier. My wife puts it on which ever way it comes out. I change it around.Definitely OCD

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we are sooo much alike, somewhere in my archives i have a photo of toliet tissue and everyone thought i was nuts. and it does matter. i am the under, hubby is the over, we have tow bathrooms, so he has his over and I have my under and never the twain shall meet. if i use his, i have troulbe getting the paper to tear properly, so it does matter. you did not say which you are and don't forget the lid up or lid down.... ha ha

Jeanette said...

From the back! It looks neater!! I know..I'm wierd!

Bossy Betty said...

I don't care. Just replace the dang roll when it needs it!

Out on the prairie said...

I had to check,back today.

Anonymous said...

Most definitely the front! :-)

Unknown said...

from the front for sure. it's amazing how pissed (pun intended) i get when it's put on the wrong way... lol!

Tammy said...

Front! We don't have a problems with this at my house because I'm sure no one else that lives there know how to put a new roll on. LOL

June Zach (Fledgling Blogger) said...

Front is easier for me. But, it does not really matter as long as it is there when you badly need it. :)

Julie Harward said...

Quite the debate here! I understand that it should be from the front, and the reason being, when TP used to have designs on it, you could see the design if it was rolled from the front. ;D

jeanlivingsimple said...

Oh...the front for me. I do like Shark's comment.LOL!

tahtimbo said...

I like it from the front, but unfortunately, now Yum Yum likes it too. For the past several mornings, I wake to go into the bathroom and find that she has attacked the roll. I have been working almost non-stop since last week trying to help our two with school. They are really slamming them with work. This is the first time I have had a break. I hope it will slow down soon, because this is not fun.
I will try and be by more often, regardless.

DSS said...

From the front. Definitely. I have to switch it when it's "wrong" in my house :)

Alain said...

I never really thought about it before - I'll pay more attention now :) Based on all your comments I'll stick to the front and see how that works out!

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