Sunday, April 7, 2019

Craft blast from the past part 4

So today is the final episode of my craft blast from the past. I may do this again another time but after seeing all the old Easter stuff I've made I'm ready to move on.

I didn't really make these but bought the plain items and painted them. These used to come in a kit with the plain white pieces and the paints to finish them with. I also did some of these for Christmas.

First I have a set of 4 bunny egg holders.

And where do all those Easter eggs come from? Well here is the official Egg factory with the crew hard at work getting ready for the big day. This one also has a light to sit underneath it .


Ginny Hartzler said...

Gosh, you actually painted these? They are awesome!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Presley will love these. so do I.. I went through this painting these things. I painted Christmas ones until I had a house full. that was the first 3 years I married Bob. they were everywhere. long gone now though. I love the egg bunnies...

Rose said...

They are just too cute for words. Our granddaughter would have loved them.

Kate said...

Ann, these are so adorable - good thing you kept them!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love all of the craft projects for Spring...old AND new! Enjoy your Sunday my friend!

Grace said...

You painted both of those? Wow - so adorbs!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I like the bunny egg holders. You did a great job on painting these items. You have definitely been enjoying doing crafts for a long time.

Sandee said...

They are all cute, but I love the egg factory the very best. Adorable.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Out on the prairie said...

I like the egg holders,I set one plastic egg on my window ledge to decorate just for you.

Lin said...

You have so many Easter decorations!

Anni said...

Love, love, LOVE the factory!

Ann said...

Yep. The kits come with the paint and you have the picture on the box for reference. Other than that I think there was very limited instructions

Ann said...

Thanks. If I recall correctly, it took me forever to paint them

Ann said...

Yeppers. The kits came with the plain white figures, paints and limited instructions. You pretty much used the picture on the box for reference on what colors to paint everything.

Ann said...

The egg factory is really cute

Ann said...

Thanks. Took me forever to paint that sucker.

Ann said...

I used to have a whole lot more. I think I gave some to my daughter and threw some out

Ann said...

Good job

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

fabulous...looking forward to your season/festival crafted items...

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