Thursday, April 25, 2019

The struggle is real

You may recall my griping last year about my broken mower. I made it through with what I had but knew this year I would have to buy a new one. In the past week everyone around me has mowed making my yard look absolutely horrible.

Although I didn't want to go, I forced myself to head to Home Depot after work and buy a new mower. I got it home and sent a text to my daughter asking if they could stop on their way home so Rob could get it out of my vehicle for me. There was no way I was going to get that box out on my own. He stops puts it in the basement for me and they are on their merry way.

I head downstairs to open the box and put it together. Piece of cake right?

Pardon the crappy cell phone picture but it's what I had to use.

Perhaps my brain was just too tired but the pictorial directions for putting the handle on and then adding the oil was totally confusing. I sent a text to my son asking if he could put it together for me. He said sure, probably this weekend. That's great but I was hoping to mow tomorrow after work. I stewed a while and headed back to the basement to show this mower that I am not as stupid as it is trying to make me feel.  I won the battle of the handle which is now attached. Today I battle the oil.


handmade by amalia said...

Good for you, Ann! And if you're gonna buy a new mower, get a red one. Definitely.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I know you will master the oil as well!! You just need to sleep on it and come back rested.

Hootin Anni said...

I know! I agree, those directions and guide books are NEVER written in a language anyone can understand! (Even in graphics).

MadSnapper n Beau said...


Kate said...

Well done, you!!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Congrats to you dear Ann. Stuff like this is so daunting and it feels GREAT when we conquer. I bought an electric mower and love it. I mowed Monday morning and it felt great to get that done. I still need to weed wack, but at least the mowing is done. :-)

Happy mowing with your new mower ~ FlowerLady

Grace said...

OK - here's a link to a youtube video for assembling a Toro lawnmower,, and the oil adding part is around 6:50 minutes in - Don't know if it will be helpful but who knows, right?

Grace said...

Okay that link doesn't seem to work - maybe this one will -

Sandee said...

You'll get that baby working and your yard will be looking fabulous like everyone else. Good for you.

Have a fabulous day my friend. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Pam said...

You got this.....probably was just to tired to deal with it then. Today once you have it all together you will look back on this and say, PIECE OF CAKE...I HAD this all along.

Lin said...

YES! Nothing like determination to get it done! That's how I am...don't want to wait for I sit and stew...then get down to work. You have made GREAT strides this year, Ann. Look at YOU! Yea, Ann!!

Donna said...

You've Got This Girlfriend!
I also push myself to take care of business...I absolutely Hate begging people to help...

Donna said...

PS- Do you know what happened to Steve at Out on the Prairie blog??I see you also follow him...I tried to pull it up but it says its gone!

BeadedTail said...

Good for you for figuring that sucker out! I have no doubt you'll figure that oil out too!

Ann said...

yep and thanks for the vote of confidence

Ann said...

They were horrible

Ann said...

thank you

Ann said...

Thanks for the link. It helped

Ann said...

just have to get annoyed enough to get it done

Ann said...

it just makes me so mad thta something like that can make me feel that stupid

Ann said...

Yes, stewing is a very important part of the process

Ann said...

I hate asking for help

Ann said...

Thanks. I just have to do things the hard way I

CheerfulMonk said...

Good for you, and fingers crossed!

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

when I bought a mower some years ago - we were stumped by the directions for the handle, we finally got it together - we had around 6 widgets left over, there appeared to be nowhere for them to be - and the handle has never needed any more assistance to stay upright (now I don't mow my lawn a care guy does it...)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

We can do anything we set our mind too! Of course we usually have to talk ourselves into actually doing it. You go girl!!!

Rose said...

I totally understand this struggle....I don't know what we would have did without our neighbor.

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