Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Easter Banner

My crafting mojo has abandoned me but I still manage to make something here and there. I'm beginning to wonder if I should just pack up all the craft supplies and ship them off to someone who  would actually use them. I want to make things but I have a mental block. 

Like I said I do manage to make a something from time to time. This time it was an Easter banner. The picture isn't great. I had the hardest time trying to take a picture of it.

The pennants cardstock with scrapbook paper then I added the circles and the letters. I put dollar store plastic eggs in between the pennants and strung it with a pink jute twine. I was planning on making another but when I finished this one I had no mojo left.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, this is so much more awesome then the ones I see in stores! You have really given it zing and uniqueness. I love it! You may not be crafting much, but when you do it is really beautiful.

CheerfulMonk said...

Hmm. The main thing is to not feel you "should" be doing it. If you did give away some of your supplies, what would you do with the space you free up? Would it make you happier than being patient to see if your mojo comes back? My guess is it's too soon to make a decision like that --- it's been a rough year and you are still recovering. Only you can decide, of course.

Does the banner bring you joy? If so, it doesn't matter how often you make things.

Small Kucing said...

Time sure fly fast. So fast Easter is coming. That is a lovely banner

Kate said...

Very creative banner - I like it. DO NOT give your craft stuff away - you'll get your mojo back eventually. ^^

MadSnapper n Beau said...

there are people who would buy this, if you had someway for them to see it. it really is like Ginny said, so much prettier than ones sold in the store. I am thinking your mojo will return, one day.

Lin said...

The harder you chase it, the more it will elude you. I'm thinking you have to try something new. Dig out your sketching stuff...your colored pencils and work on that for a bit. I find that if I try something new, the interest and creativity comes back. Maybe you just need a change of medium?

Sandee said...

It's beautiful. I love all the spring colors.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Grace said...

Oooh - what Lin said!

Annsterw said...

What an adorable banner!!! I am definitely going to try to make one of these! So super cute! Annster's Domain

Out on the prairie said...

Gorgeous banner, hard to believe you are running on empty.

Ann said...

Maybe I would do more if I could see the zing in it that you do

Ann said...

Good questions. I don't know what I would do with the extra space and no I don't think it would make me happier.
I don't know if the banner brings me joy but I did enjoy making it.
Thanks for making me think :)

Ann said...

The older I get the faster time goes.

Ann said...

Ok, I'll take that as an order and just give it

Ann said...

I believe you're right. I did purchase some watercolor markers when I had a 50% off coupon so I'm going to give those a try and see how it goes

Ann said...

Thanks. I wasn't entirely thrilled with the colors I put together but it is springy looking

Ann said...

Yep, Lin had good advice

Ann said...


Ann said...

Yep, nothing left but fumes

Hootin Anni said...

That is very pretty. I love the pastels

The Feminine Energy said...

This is absolutely darling, Ann! Please don't pack away your crafting things and ship them off. Your mojo will come back... when it's good and ready. Don't fret over it because the more you fret, the worse it gets, you know? I go months without being creative and then the bug hits me & I'm creating all over the place. Do you have any adult coloring books? That's what I do when I'm tired and don't want to use my brain. I just color. They have some fun mediums to use now (alcohol markers, colored pencils, glitter gel pens, etc.) and the coloring books are beautiful. Give it a whirl if it sounds like a good idea to you. I think coloring will get you through the time of your mojo issues. Love, Andrea xoxo

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

Agree with CM about not giving in...and giving away...and yes, take some time to decide. One of the reasons I went away was because things came to a head, and I needed "away time" to consider the what-ifs...

Instead of doing an actual object make one of your days - revamp the table setting or that space where you've got Easter. Haul out something, and take down what was on display last week - AND renew the space. Of course saying that, you might find you need to make a "little something" to fit in an empty space.

Ann said...


Ann said...

I've tried the coloring books and I get frustrated because I can't decide what colors to I do have an app that is a color by number and I'm finding that addicting.
I won't get rid of my stuff, I guess I was just being

Ann said...

All good suggestions. That's why I like you guys, you're always supportive and give great advice

Rose said...

I like this! I did not know I had missed this post...I knew I was behind a couple days...and I don't know why. I do know what you mean about losing your mojo...I have so much I want to do but by the time I have time, I just don't have any energy left.

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