Monday, April 29, 2019

Not a bad day

Aside from having to get up at 4am and go to work, yesterday was a rather nice day. The temperature wasn't very high but the sun was shining and it felt warmer than what the thermometer said.

I popped out in the yard and took a few pictures with my cell phone. We don't have a whole lot of leaves on the trees yet and this one in the back yard has fewer than the tree in my front yard. I loved the blue sky though

And there are dandelions out there. I love seeing them but I bet my neighbor who has his yard sprayed every year hates seeing my yard full of them

In amonst the weeds I found some grape hyacinth too.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I love seeing dandelions in the yard, they are so cheerful and are a sign of spring. Your first picture is really beautiful, with the brilliant blue sky, grey of the tree branches against it, and green grass.

CheerfulMonk said...

I agree, I love dandelions and the picture of your yard makes me happy. It has such spacious feeling and I love green grass and blue skies.

Kate said...

Such a beautiful photo - I love the expanse of green and no fences. The dandelions and hyacinth are so pretty. I don't mind dandelions and actually harvest them - the young leaves are nice in a salad or cooked, the flowers make a jelly that tastes like honey and they can also be added to baked goods so it's not just the bees who like them. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am with you on the weeds, I love weeds.. I showed bob your yard and dandelion and he said to ask if you ever ate the dandelions. he had them when he was growing up... all that green grass and blue sky and tree makes me happy.

Grace said...

Hey - dandelions are flowers too! When we rented a house with a backyard and front yard I was perfectly okay with crab grass too - it was green and leafy, right? So what's the problem...(The lack of fences makes me nervous! Sure it adds to the open feel, but the lack of privacy? That would so upset me. Good fences make good neighbors, said Robert Frost).

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Your yard looks great and those grape hyacinth are so pretty.

Sandee said...

A blue sky and the sun shining can really lift ones spirit. It really can.

Have a fabulous day off, Ann. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Lin said...

Fertilizer is expensive--what are you going to do?? We have a little yard, so fertilizing is done and the lawn looks like freaking carpeting with all the rain we have been getting. I actually had someone stop me while I was mowing the other day to ask me what we do to get such a nice lawn. Um...fertilize in Spring and Fall...and mow. No aerating, no de-thatching, no watering....

Donna said...

Love the grape hyacinth! If you want any down here, you have to buy it!

Annsterw said...

I do not understand how people get up that early for work!! I had to do it once this past weekend for fun and I thought I would die! I am still exhausted! Go you - you are a stronger woman then me!! HUGS Annster's Domain

Ann said...

I like the dandelions too but not everyone is fond of them

Ann said...

The picture makes my back yard look bigger than it really is. It's a nice size but in the picture you're seeing part of mine and then the neighbors. I guess no fencing makes it feel bigger

Ann said...

I've never tried dandelions but have heard they are quite tasty

Ann said...

I often wish I had a fence. I don't know how many times people have said "Yeah I saw you out in your yard" Not that I'm doing anything I wouldn't want anyone to see but it's the fact that they can

Ann said...

Yes, it can and today it's gray and cloudy and I feel like a slug

Ann said...

My yard is horrible. I think there are several different types of grass growing, lots of weeds and very bumpy. Unless someone else wants to come take care of it for me the most I'll do is mow

Ann said...

After 20 some years of doing it I guess I'm just used to it. When I first started my job with these hours I wasn't a morning person at all. It took a while to adapt

Pam said...

LOVE the hyacinth! They are so cool looking. Four AM....yikes, at least I sleep till 5! HAHA....6 on the day I don't work. Course I don't get to work till 7:30. I do my shower, then by the time I get clothes together and go downstairs its about 5:30, I sit and do my coffee for the next 30 mins. At six I start with the make up, hair and clothes and out of the house at 6:30-6:40. Your yard looks so beautiful and green. I am not one of those folks that have to treat the yard to kill the weeds....if not for weeds, no yard. HAHA

Ida said...

The grape hyacinth are so pretty. Yeah Dandelions always show up in spring. We've given up on trying to get rid of them. Besides spraying with weed killer is bad for the "bees" who visit them.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

Well it's all about fences here, usually high ones, I think there is a restriction in some places...and then there a hedges, they seem to be as high as you like. Some driveways have gates, whilst other don't.
I live in what is deemed a ROW so there is a driveway with high fences on both sides until it arrives at our units...

Rose said...

I love that brilliant blue sky...

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