Friday, April 19, 2019

Who could ask for anything more

Yesterday was another beautiful day. The temperature got up to 75 and I had my first lunch in my car of the year. When it's warm enough I go out to the parking lot and sit in my car rather than in the breakroom. That way I not only get to enjoy the weather but it gets me out of the building for a half hour. Today the forecast is for rain but still not to bad temperature wise. I think I can officially put the snow shovel away.

This is an old one but it's all I've got for today.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I love them all, especially the exotic looking top right. Hurray for car lunches!!!

Hootin Anni said...

Your store should provide a picnic table for lunch breaks!!

Ann said...

That's what I said too but their reason for not is because it would attract all the kids with nothing better to do and they really don't want them hanging out in the parking lot

Ann said...

I love seeing all this stuff coming back to life

Kate said...

Always nice to see the plants coming to life. Here's hoping your snow shovel isn't needed for several months - I'm skeptical here since we have not yet had a big spring snowstorm and we always seem to get one. Have a swell weekend. k^^

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the old ONE looks good from here.. I always tried to get out of the workspace also, not eating out, because of expense but out of the building. if you were eating in your car yesterday HERE you would be melted. 88 degrees and the car was at least 105 inside when I got in it at 10:30....

The Feminine Energy said...

Pretty pictures, Ann! I'm so glad you got to eat your lunch outside yesterday too. Hubby & I will do that quite often... we'll go to McDonald's or something and get a couple dollar sandwiches and park under the (same) tree at a local grocery store we like. We'll just sit there, eat our lunch, and talk.... with the nice breeze blowing in the windows. The joy of simple things, eh? This morning it's 40 degrees, believe it or not, having dipped down into the 30s during the night last night. I don't think our spring is ever going to arrive this year. *bleh* Love, Andrea xoxo

Connie said...

I remember eating my lunch in my car, too. It was always a welcome break to get outside, by myself and away from everything that connected me with work. I suppose that your bakery gets very busy just before a holiday. Sitting alone in the car is a great way to relax and get energized for the rest of the work day :)
So happy that you can put that ole snow shovel away.
Happy Easter.

Sandee said...

I had my teeth cleaned the other day and my hygienist does the same thing. Sits in her car at lunch and just enjoys the weather and the quiet.

Love your collage. Nicely done.

Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ann. Enjoy your day off tomorrow. Scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Grace said...

The weather is so strange here too - chilly, very warm, chilly - and yes, Friday - the rain is every where!

CheerfulMonk said...

Good for you! I'm glad the weather was so nice, and I love the picture. :)

Pam said...

I like spring, I like watching all the things popping up and blooming all over. Fall however is my fave time of yr. I don't look at the falling leaves as an end of things. I look at them as just hibrnating. My mom looked at it all as dying off but she loved SPRING. Glad that you are enjoying the signs of spring and things being renewed.

Ann said...

Well we had a snowfall last week so I'm thinking that was winters last hoorah and now we can commence with spring

Ann said...

Today is much cooler and raining but it's still better than the snow and freezing temperatures

Ann said...

I bet there are lots of people who do that on their lunch breaks

Ann said...

Today we are back down in the 40s and rain. Who knows what tomorrow will be

Ann said...

It's always a welcome break to get out of the building for a bit

Ann said...

I like spring summer and fall each for it's own reason. Winter not so much. I find very little to like about winter

Rose said...

I love to eat outside...even here at home. We haven't did it as much since Roger had his stroke, but we used to eat out on the front porch a lot. I have a little bitty outdoor table out there. It is 20-24 inches across.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Glad your Spring weather is finally there!!! So for now you can sit in your car at lunch until the hot weather comes in the summer.....

Debby@Just Breathe said...

We were 86 degrees yesterday and today's high is going to be 65!

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

sounds like a great "get away from the shop/bakery" and have time out...

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