Wednesday, April 10, 2019

What you do

I came across this quote the other day and I liked it. I thought I would play around and do a picture edit and add the quote to it. I was going to post it on Facebook but opted not to so as not to possibly start drama.

The reason I like the quote so much is because one of my biggest pet peeves is someone saying they're going to do something and then never following through with it. I don't care if you have a busy life. We all have a busy life. If you are too busy to do what you say you're going to then don't say you will.


Hootin Anni said...

Sometimes things you plan to do just doesn't work out as planned; for a number of reasons.

Rose said...

I tend to say I will do such and such, if nothing happens....or if the creek don't rise and the good Lord is willing. I tend not to promise to do a lot. I have always wanted to try to sell stuff on line Etsy or Ebay, or some place like that, but have such awful luck with things happening beyond my control that I only tried one time...sold one item.

My sister had a wonderful reputation on Ebay, and someone first stole her identity on there and ruined it. I am talking thousands of items and a 99% rating...I forget what they use on there. 5 Star? Then she re-invented herself and was getting her reputation built back, and fell, was in the hospital then in a rehab place. And there her family had to see to returning everyone's money, etc. What a mess that was.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am picking up what you are putting down and FULLY understand what you mean and I to think if this was on FB there WOULD BE DRAMA! of course there is always a chance LIFE will interfere with plans, but that is now what this quote means at all....

Marg said...

I so agree with you. It is very frustrating. Not much we can do about it except keep going forward. Ann, you have a fantastic day.

Sandee said...

I hear you. If you said you'd do something then do it. There are times you can't though. Illness is one, but it's rare.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

Lin said...

I think I am guilty of that sometimes because sometimes things come up and what you promised isn't possible. At that point, people don't forgive and it becomes a mess. I think if it happens infrequently, it is forgivable. But, if the same person does it all the time, I guess you have to just know that the promises are empty from that person and you don't expect anything.

Grace said...

And this would start drama - why?

Out on the prairie said...

Here a lot,I'll say a prayer. It comes too easy and sounds nice

Annsterw said...

That is so very true!! Actions definitely speak louder than words!!!! I know A LOT of people like this! HA! In recovery we also say "Say what you do; do what you say or tell someone why not"...perfection! Annster's Domain

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love it! This is one of my pet peeves as well. And we have a family member who does this all the time. My only way of coping with it is to just not believe her or expect anything when she says she will do something.

Ann said...

And that's understandable but someone who ALWAYS says they are going to do this or that and never follow through I don't understand why they even bother saying they will

Ann said...

That is true

Ann said...

yep, some things are unavoidable but some people make a habit of not living up to what they say they'll do

Ann said...

Once in a while is one thing but some people make a habit of it.

Ann said...

It's happened before where I've posted something on facebook certain someone's got all bent out of shape because they assumed I was slamming them. Of course they didn't ask me about it they jumped someone else because I said it.

Ann said...

Very true. I wonder how many people who say they'll say a prayer really do

Ann said...

Exactly. There is someone who does this to me a lot. And I feel like they are just trying to come off as nice but how nice is it that they NEVER follow through with what they offer? Then they get hurt feelings if I ask for the help from someone else.

Ann said...

Exactly. Same situation here. I don't believe it when I'm told they'll do something.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Yep, that's a good one. No one should ever tell you they are going to do something and not follow through with it!

CheerfulMonk said...

Amen to that!

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