Tuesday, April 18, 2023


Yesterday was quite a bit colder than it has been recently.    

It was a good day to stay inside and pretty much do nothing. I had a few things on my to-do list and only managed to do one. That was packing up all of the Easter decorations.

They are still sitting right there though. I never did get the tote put away. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

Looks like a pretty awkward tote to carry! Do you have one of those little luggage carts? It is to be 40 here tonight!

CheerfulMonk said...

I think days where we stay inside and don't do much are healthy for us. Take care. ❤️

MadSnapper n Beau said...

brrrr our cold front today has us waking up to 62 degrees, which is great.

Donna said...

Leaving your Easter decorations where they sat is indicative of you needing a serious vacation! Maybe Belize or the Bahamas? Surely you feel the south winds calling your name?...Take Amanda with you!
You know you want to...If I lived close by, we'd be in all sorts of trouble!lolol

Rose said...

I think the high here was 39 and it was sure chilly!

Lori said...

It was a bit cooler here yesterday too. Glad you had a relaxing day.

Jeanette said...

It's cold here today and this morning there was a little bit of snow on the ground. Hard to take after a week of 70-80 degrees!

Pam said...

There is always something to do, and here it is always, always, things that need doing! I did not have to put spring and Easter away, I never put any up. Decided it was easier that way for me. Hope Gibbs gave you a helping hand.

Sandee said...

You had a great day off if you ask me. Doing little to nothing sometimes is just what the body needs.

Have a fabulous day and work week, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

HappyK said...

More crazy up and down weather here too.
You did get those decorations put away. That's something. Sometimes we think just about the things we didn't do instead of remembering what we DID DO.

The Happy Whisk said...

I love days like this. Get some stuff done. Veg a bit. It's all good stuff.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Well that weather sucked! Glad you got one thing done. We are going to be 80 degrees today. It's a nice change from the cold weather we have had.

DeniseinVA said...

It's been a bit wacky with the temperatures here. It started out lovely but now it's gone real chilly. I think it's going to rain. Good time to do inside chores but I'm not really motivated right now :)

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