Sunday, April 16, 2023

spring has finally sprung

First it was the daffodils the other day and then this past Wednesday I came home from work to see this

The forsythia are finally blooming. These are terribly overgrown right now and desperately need to be trimmed. I had a customer at work who happened to notice as he drove by my house. He told me he would be happy to come over and trim them for me


Donna said...

I love forsythia...going today to try and find some to plant!
Nice of that man to offer to cut it back!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sounds good to me, it is almost as big as our powder puff we just cut down. so beautiful..I would trim a few stems and bring some inside

Lori said...

There is a big difference between our weather and yours. Ours were yellow last month and now it's fully green. I love forsythia and want to plant a couple more but they've doubled in price like everything else.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love forsythia! It's so bright and sunny! Enjoy your Sunday!

Lin said...

Hooray! It's those happy spring surprises that carry us through the otherwise icky weather. I hope this means that the snow is over and done for you!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Did you take him up on the offer? It's always good to make friends with a bakery lady!

HappyK said...

Love forsythia, only wished they bloomed longer.
I kind of like when the go wild!

Barwitzki said...

...nice customer :-))

DeniseinVA said...

It is a great looking forsythia and how nice of your customer.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I just love forsythia. We don't have them here but I loved them in Illinois growing up.

The Happy Whisk said...

I like them all wild and free. Though I get that some folks want them trimmed, too. I get that. Makes sense.

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