Sunday, April 30, 2023


Not much to say about my day off yesterday. I pretty much spent the day chilling. And that was in more ways than one. It was a gloomy day and a bit on the chilly side so most of my day was spent lounging on the couch under a blanket watching TV. it was a totally relaxing and maybe just a bit  boring.
It's hard to believe that today is the last day of April already. I can't believe we're already going to be moving into the fifth month of the year.


Ginny Hartzler said...

This sounds like a great day to me!!! Totally recharging.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

after all the donut frying you needed a day of rest, is that a pioneer blanket? are you watching cartoons? Is Gibbs asking to go out? we just woke up to 79 degrees at 5 in the morning. Florida is calling you

Rose said...

I am with you on the I cant believe this is the end if April! I think you needed a day of rest!

Donna said...

Aww, the Gibbers! He's wanting to get under the blanket with Mom!lol Such a sweetie...
Hope you enjoyrd the down-time!

Lori said...

I need a day like that, just doing nothing. Good for you!! I can't believe it's almost May either. Time just flies by. Hope you have a good Sunday!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Looks like you had a good buddy to relax with! Happy Sunday!

Jeanette said...

Sounds like just what was needed! Gibbs looks like he was wondering if you were ever going to get up?!

Pam said...

I so dislike those days where chilling and taking care of ones self becomes boring! The days that I take cause I need to rest my body, when I have stuff that needs doing (which is all the time), and the day comes to an end, I dislike myself for what I did not make myself do. Make sense? Gibbs looks like he is asking you what you think you are doing.

HappyK said...

We had a dreary weather day here too and today is just the same.

CheerfulMonk said...

Good for you! 👍

DeniseinVA said...

That is a pretty blanket and Gibbs looks like he is sending you a message telepathically. And I also say good for you!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Glad you relaxed. I agree, this year is flying by!

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