Thursday, April 27, 2023

Random stuff

 So as of yesterday, none of the comments you leave are coming to my email again. So again, if I normally respond to your comment in email and I haven't, that's why. I just get  used to doing things a certain way and suddenly blogger throws things into a tailspin. I know not everyone likes getting email but I happen to love it. I'm old school and will never give up my email.

We got some news at work the other day. Apparently boss's wife has decided to sell the property. She's not selling the business, just the property. She showed up at the store last Saturday with a realtor. That was the first that boss's son (aka new boss) heard about it. Right now things are business as usual but it puts a lot of uncertainty out there. I honestly don't think it's going to be bought any time soon. The building needs some work. But if it does sell, either the new owner could just charge rent or they could kick us out altogether. There are times when I think it would be nice to just stay home for a bit. Being without health insurance is a big concern for me though. I don't know that I could afford to pay for it on my own and I'm at that age where going without it isn't the smartest idea.

Speaking of health insurance, I have a doctors appointment after work today. I've been feeling drained and achy plus have a couple concerns that I need to finally have checked out. I'm a huge procrastinator when it comes to making appointments. 

Yesterday Liz asked how I did the writing on the plate. It's vinyl that I cut on my Cricut Machine.

Other than that, it's pretty much been same old same old. Be back tomorrow.


The Happy Whisk said...

One of my local friends just picked up a new Cricut after her old one died. She loooooooves her new one.

That's odd to me that she's not selling the business, just the land. Why does she want to pay rent?

I think I'm lost.

There was this one crappy falling down house we saw for sale. There was also a trailer on the land. The owners were only selling the house and had some sorta thing in there that the trailer would have to be sold separately.

I dunno. We didn't like the house anyway so for us, it wasn't worth asking about. The place was bad. Like so creepy that I stopped short at the bottom of the stairs and said, "Nope. Not going in there. Not for me."

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, that brings a lot of anxiety and uncertainty! I want to know all about how your appointment went!!

Barwitzki said...

I keep my fingers crossed that everything goes well, your visit to the doctor and your job in general. It's not good for your health if you have insecurities at work, which mainly affect your financial limit... try to stay relaxed think positive... it's so important to stay positive... make yourself happy every day.
hug Viola

Lori said...

I hope everything goes well at your appointment today. That is odd someone would want to sell the building/land but not the business. It seems now almost every job is stressful.

Rose said...

I hope it is an easy fix at the drs office. And nothing seriously wrong. That is strange about the business. Could she possibly be planning on changing locations?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am doing a happy dance you made that appt. waiting to hear how things went, probably will be waiting on labs and reports for awhile. praying all is well with your health.
the mother and son must have a terrible relationship, sounds like they don't care for each other at all. Lets hope someone buys the property that wants to own a grocery store. sounds like she intends to shut the store down. she will still own the business even if the new owner rents, right?

Jeanette said...

Hope your doctor appointment goes well.

Donna said...

Oh my...I don't like the sound of her wanting to sell! You might want to start checking Insurance rate, now...Just to be prepared.
Glad you have an appointment! Good girl!

Pam said...

I hardly ever get email. I don't use it often either. Most my contact comes via FB or text. I used to be the type of person that wanted the human contact, a voice, in person or over a phone. Now, I pretty much avoid human contact if I can! How I have changed. haha....between age and Fibro, sometimes having human contact wipes me out. Oh wow on the business/property. I hate when crap like that comes out of the blue and throws everything off. Also, talking about putting things off, I have always procrastinated even as a teen, however, with the Fibro, another issue with that is, procrastination. I have NEVER, EVER been late filing taxes. I filed the day they were due in the mail this time. Next yr I promise myself to not do that.

Linda said...

Life is all about CHANGE it seems!! Insurance would be a priority - I did without for most of my life and I loved it when I turned 65 and could get Medicare and a supplemental policy. For so many years I was 'uninsurable!'

HappyK said...

Good luck at your appointment. I'm not good at making appointments either and haven't been to the doctor in a good long while. When I do go they make me take all these tests and then tell me I'm healthy!!

Hope all turns out well with the sale of the property.

CheerfulMonk said...

Yes, good luck! Both with the doctor and with the sale of the building. Please let us know how it goes.

DeniseinVA said...

That sounds like a very stressful situation. I hope it all gets resolved sooner than later so that you don't have to worry about it for too long.

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