Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Happy mail.

 I sure have been getting a lot of happy mail lately.

I can't recall if I already showed the mothers day card that Wade's youngest son sent me so I'm posting it again.

Then I got an amazing and totally fascinating card from blog friend Ginny. https://ginny-letyourlightshine.blogspot.com/
She sent me a little vacation in an envelope.

Open it up and out pops this amazing little scene. I wanted to crawl right inside and climb in that hammock. I could spend all day watching the dolphins and the flamingos. If I was feeling extra ambitious I could climb one of those palm trees and see if there were any coconuts up there.

Finally I got a thank you card from the audiologists office for the donuts I took them on my last appointment.

I've been definitely been feeling the love lately. Each of these people made my day.


Ginny Hartzler said...

You deserve all of them and more!!

CheerfulMonk said...

I agree with Ginny. You deserve them all! ❤️

DeniseinVA said...

Very sweet cards Ann and yes, I agree with Ginny and Cheerful Monk.

Donna said...

You More than deserve them, sweet friend! You bring so much to the people that you love...enjoy!

MadSnapper said...

Wow! you are racking up the Happy Mail Points! and yes, they are well deserved since I consider you the Queen of Happy Mail. and this card will continue to make you happy each time you open it

Rose said...

I love them all..specially impressed that you hot the Thank-you card from the audiologist

Lori said...

You deserve every one of them!! Ever since I was a kid I have loved pop up books and that card is amazing and perfect. Have a great week.

Sandee said...

Feeling the love is a good thing. Both are beautiful.

Have a fabulous day and week, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is a very sweet card from Wade's son. That second card is fabulous! How sweet to get that thank you note from the doctors office.

HappyK said...

Lovely cards and it is aways nice to get a thank you card.

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