Thursday, May 23, 2024

On the road

Monday the 13th was a not my typical day off. It actually wasn't a day off at all. The deli manager was still sick and they put a different person in bakery. She can do it but she's not fond of it and it stresses her out. There was an order for 200 donuts that morning so I went in early and stayed just long enough to get that order done. It took me 2 hours.

I had an appointment with the audiologist again. This was a 2 week follow up after getting the new hearing aids. It was a beautiful morning as I traveled down the road.

This time I saw a different doctor but he was just as amazing as the female doctor I've been going to. First he had trouble getting my hearing aids to connect to his computer so he could make adjustments. We ended up changing offices and he was finally able to get them connected. Next was trying to resolve the issue my hearing aids were having with the fall detect feature. He did everything he could think of and finally called customer service and got it all figured out. In the time he spent with me I think I saw the other doctor go back with 6 or 7 other patients. He was not about to let me leave there without the issues being resolved. 
Because these people are so amazing and I had been at work that morning, I put together a box of one dozen donuts to take to them. They were pretty excited about that.

Finally before I headed home I stopped at a Dollar Tree that I didn't know about. It's close to the audiologists office. I splurged and bought something I couldn't resist.
I found this place setting and thought it was just too cute. I only bought one set since it's just me and I've even used them already.

I thought these were the bee's knees and just couldn't resist them.


Lori said...

Caring doctors make all the difference don't they? That was a beautiful ride. I LOVE those dishes. They are so cute. Glad you didn't pass them up.

Rose said...

How wonderful to get that kind of care! I love your set you got for yourself.

Donna said...

Sounds like a fantastic clinic!
Love the place setting! And you Are! The Bee's Knees... <3

Jeanette said...

Sounds like a great audiologist office! That place setting is too cute!

Linda said...

I love your $ finds!! SO happy you were able to get the hearing aids to work! Our Hailey has one. SO far my ears still work but my eyes are having issues.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Nice of you to go in and help with the donuts. Also nice of you to bring some to the doctors office. So glad that he was able to help you even though it took a lot of time to do. I love the place setting you bought. Enjoy your day!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love it, it is adorable! I would display it and not even use it! Hmmm, a trip to Dollar Tree may be in the offing. We have one just a few minutes away.

My Tata's Cottage said...

Wow! You are blessed with a good hearing doc. I know they appreciated your kindness with donuts. YUM! I love those place settings at Dollar Tree. I may need to sneak a few sets home. hahaha The bees are precious. Thanks for sharing. I hope the weekend is a great one and you stay safe and happy.

HappyK said...

That's a great doctor who cares!!

DeniseinVA said...

I wish I had worked with someone like you Ann, your dedication deserves to be recognized. What an amazing audiologist you have. The more you spoke about him I thought you two made a great pair, with the way he looked after you. I can just imagine the look on their faces when you took them the doughnuts! How sweet of you to do that. Lovely photos of the road, and such pretty plates. They certainly were the bees knees, haha :)

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so happy you have good audiologists. And that you brought them donuts. And that you bought those new dishes. Treats like that are so important for our mental health. ❤️

Ida said...

Glad you have a great experience with your audiologist. Hubby's is nice but he really has issues with his hearing aids and doesn't like them that much.
Oh that place setting is adorable.

Ida said...

Glad you have a great experience with your audiologist. Hubby's is nice but he really has issues with his hearing aids and doesn't like them that much.
Oh that place setting is adorable.

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