Friday, August 20, 2010

The best part of waking up

Is Folger's in my cup.
That is something I never would have thought I would ever say. For years I loved the smell of coffee but I hated the taste. It didn't matter if it was loaded with sugar and milk or even flavored creamers. I just could not stand the taste of it.
I did however love cappuccino. We have a machine at work that has 2 different flavors of cappuccino and cocoa. We had run out of my favorite flavor one very cold day and I was desperate. I loaded my cup half full with hot cocoa and the rest coffee. I fell in love. The love grew to the point where I was buying coffee and cocoa to make my own mix at home. I eventually changed to just coffee with cream and sugar. (Still can't drink it black)
Now there is nothing better first thing in the morning than a nice hot cup of coffee. I fill my mug and it takes me through the morning drive. When break time rolls around, I refill and enjoy a good cup of coffee and the morning sun out in the parking lot.
So what do you enjoy first thing in the morning?


Donna said...

I have GOT to have my coffee! My mom was a hot tea freak and made us drink it when we were growing up. She didn't allow coffee except for dad. So the rebel in me had to try coffee as soon as I escaped from her dominion, LOL. Been drinking it ever since. Peppermint is my hands-down favorite. It's made by Millstone and available during Christmas time. We buy several dozen pounds and put them in the freezer to last all year!

tahtimbo said...

I am a coffee-hound. I have to have it first thing in the morning. I am really interested in trying your combination; it sounds really tasty.

BeadedTail said...

I don't like coffee and can't stand the smell of it so it takes me a really long time to wake up every morning!

Anonymous said...

I really like that photo - great angle. I don't love anything in the morning - not a morning person and my husband and I disagree about coffee - he likes his super strong and I would like mine just to be tasty...

Unknown said...

Now, now, Ann ....... it really has to be tea. I love traditional tea (loose leaf) made in a crock or china teapot - very strong - it must stand a full 4 or 5 minutes to brew. Then full cream milk poured into a china cup and finally the tea poured slowly through a tea strainer - a quick stir clockwise of course and finally slowly sipped and then followed by a second cup - if I am lucky!!!!!

The flavour of tea and coffee is dependent upon the water supply - what type of water and whether it is hard or soft water - each makes a different flavour. I expect that both taste different in the US than they do in Britain or other places in the world.

Hope you have a lovely weekend!

jeanlivingsimple said...

Black Coffee is my wake-up beverage. I would not be able to drive to work and not wreck without a pot in my belly.:)

the booker man said...

well, miss ann, i am totally a big fan of chewin' on my bone first thingie in the morning!! i'm not so sure about that coffee stuff, but my mama l-o-v-e-s it with some cream 'n sugar. she's also digs hot tea.
the booker man

Jen said...

A great big mug of green tea (berry flavored). Believe it or not, it was my Rheumatologist that told me to start drinking it (excellent antioxidants don'tcha know :o) I don't like the taste of coffee either *grin*. No matter what I do to it, it's always BLECH!

Russ said...

First thing when I get up in the morning. Let's see. I turn my computer on and then go get a cup of coffee. I have a timer set. It is all ready for me. I drink mine black with one sugar. Something I learned in Viet Nam. You could always get coffee and sugar but not always milk.
Now adays I can drink just about any coffee, but still no milk.

Unknown said...

What about a prancing puppy at the foot of your bed? Of course, at my house, it is usually a stomping puppy on top of my head, but I am hoping for better times for you.

J. M. P. said...

I enjoy too a big mug of coffee, black coffee in my case. I can remember the time I also liked the smell of coffee but didn't taste it. It took me a while to get used to it, but now I can't start my day without it!

Ann said...

Donna Peppermint sounds very good. Maybe I'll remember to look for it at Christmas time and give it a try

tahtimbo my morning routine has changed so much over the years, it used to be wake up and grab a pepsi, then it was HAVE to have an OJ or don't even talk to me, now just give me some coffee

beaded tail lol, I was like that for years. Everyone in my house knew to not even talk to me for at least an hour after I got up

Grace my dad was an instant coffee drinker. I used to call it flavored water because he would put just a bit of coffee on the tip of a spoon and add it to his cup. I'm thinking he probably wouldn't have liked your husbands coffee :) I took that picture with my cell phone one morning while I was on break, not bad for a cell phone huh?

Kloggers/Polly I was a tea drinker for years and still do like a good cup every now and then. Although I've always just used the tea bags. I guess that's the lazy way isn't it?

Jean I still can't drink it black, I have to have a touch of sweetness to it.

the booker man I think that sounds like an excellent way to start the day.

Jen I discovered green tea several years back and I liked it way more than regular tea

russ thank goodness for timers, aren't they a wonderful thing? Nothing better than waking up and having that hot coffee ready and waiting.

fishhawk Duke has his morning when he's feeling a little impatient and he'll jump up and give my head a few wet nose nudges. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.

fullet I've always loved walking down the isle in the grocery store where they keep the fresh bean coffee. The smell is just incredible. Don't know why it took me so long to agree about the taste.

Sheri said...

For me, gotta have my tea. A poptart on the side is also a plus.

Marg said...

I am not a coffee drinker. I have many cats and when I get up, they are starving and so they are first. Then when they give me time, I love a large glass of cold orange juice. I do like coffee ice cream. Hope you have a great week end and Duke too.

Lin said...

COFFEE! I come into work and my pally, Jim, has already made the first pot. Me, Jim, and Irene sit for the first hour of the day, catching up on whatever while drinking our coffee. Nobody else gets in for over an hour. It's such a nice start to the day.

Tes said...

Hi Ann, mine is pretty much like yours! The thing is, my workplace is quite a distance from home. My coffee keeps me company! :)

Leeuna said...

I'm right there with you, Ann. There's nothing like a good hot cup of Folgers first thing in the morning...unless it's the cigarette I have with it. (I know. I should quit smoking, but it's my favorite indulgence.)

Tanyia said...

I go through coffee and tea phases as to which I prefer, but I love them both but neither for my wake up drink.

I must have a nice cold diet coke first thing in the a.m. lol

Wild Rose said...

I love both coffee and tea but they both have to be from Africa (Kenya and Ethiopia) to me have the best tasting coffee. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment Ann. I think you're following me too except i couldn't link back from your avatar here, i did it from the comment you left so maybe you can fix that so i can follow you back easily :)

Wild Rose~

Ann said...

Sheri, every now and then I buy a box of poptarts. It's one of those things that I don't buy regularly but I get a craving for occasionally

Marg I used to have just one cat and I know how demanding he was first thing in the morning. I can't imagine how busy you are with all of yours.

Lin that does sound like a great way to start the day. I'm one of the few that start before the store opens and the only one back in my section. I have peace and quiet for a whole hour. On the rare occasion someone walks in to my department within that first hour they usually scare the heck out of

Tes sometimes it's nice to have a long drive to and from work. It gives you time to have your thoughts to yourself.

Leeuna oh believe me, I'm having my first smoke of the day right along with my first cup of I have quit in the past, once for 6 months and another time for a year and a half. Both times stress made me start up again. I'm so weak.

Tanyia I used to do the coke thing years ago, then it went to OJ for years. I'll still grab a coke first thing in the morning if that's all there is.

Wild Rose. I've never had any other kind of coffee other than what you can buy in the local supermarket so I don't know what I'm missing :) I am following you now and I did go back and fix the avatar, didn't realize it didn't have the link to my blog there.

booahboo said...

Have you tried coffee with tea? We call it "cham" in our country.. its very nice :D

Ann said...

Man over board I probably could go without it too but it's become such a ritual morning thing for me.

Ann said...

Anny no, I can't say that I have, it sounds interesting though. I'll have to give it a try.

Joanne Olivieri said...

I have my coffee each morning. I just like your regular cup of coffee either black or with sugar. I like hot chocolate in the evenings.

Ann said...

Poetic shutterbug. I've tried it black and I just can't drink it that way. I gotta have the sweetness in there :)

DSS said...

A Diet Coke for this girl!

I cannot stand coffee. And, not that I need another form of caffeine in my life...but I wonder if I tried a 50%/50% concoction if I would like it as well? Hmmm....

Ann said...

DSS I used to do the coke in the morning thing and I always used to hate coffee too. I don't know why I suddenly like it but

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