Saturday, October 30, 2010

Getting ready for trick or treat

It's been a busy day around here getting everything ready for tomorrow night.
We had to carve pumpkins but first Wade had to show Duke how to do it.

Now before we carve our pumpkin I think we should try on our costume to make sure it fits ok.

No matter how hard I tried to get Duke to turn around and sit still so I could get  good picture he just was too excited. I had to resort to holding him and doing a one hand shot in the bedroom mirror. And yes, that is my basket of laundry sitting behind us. I have my priorities don't you know. Fun always comes before chores.

Ok so let get to carving our pumpkin now. We have one regulation size pumpkin and one stencil all ready

We're running out of time and we must get this pumpkin finished so tomorrow we'll show you more.


Out on the prairie said...

Looks like you are having fun, poor Dukster,he just wants to eat some candy.Been out all day shooting, but made it home with some Amish cinnamon rolls. We have the kids tonight, gave my pumpkins to the neighbor and she will pass out goodies I bought.Spent hours wrapping all those rocks for her.LOL

jeanlivingsimple said...

I love first photo with the orange pumpkin and the rest B/W. Like the the next photos also (BTW). Duke's costume rocks!:)
Happy Halloween to y'all!!!

Carole Barkett said...

I agree, I love the special effects of the first photos, very cute costume. have a great weekend!

Audrey said...

Great photo's! LOVE Duke's costume :) Don't worry about the laundry - I always have a basket or two lying around waiting to be folded.

Catherine said...

It looks like Duke is being a very big help! I can't wait to see the end results! :)

xo Catherine

BeadedTail said...

Duke is sure studying pumpkin carving from his daddy! His costume is so adorable!

Kelly Rachel said...

Love the one-handed shot! You should have more photos of yourself on your blog! Though I know the photographer is usually in the least amount of photos.
Nice punkin!

Anonymous said...

I didnt carve any pumpkins this year since Ian isnt here....why bother (yes i just said that) BUT BUUUUUT mother there will be a Christmas tree and all that other stuff but thats because I love Christmas too much to NOT decorate for that :)

Unknown said...

Ever since Duke has had this latest haircut .... I keep thinking you are showing photos of when he was a puppy. Yes, he really does look much younger now ... and it's nice to see he is as inquisitive as a young pup too. What your photos really do show is how well behaved he is. Sitting so still just like 'Gentleman Jim' on a night off from the ring.

Hope you have a very happy Halloween, Ann ... it has been quite noisy over here with fireworks banging in the distance - the poor cat has taken refuge behind the sofa!

Well done with the pumpkin sculpture ... I have only done it once and it certainly took some scooping out - I think I resorted to a tablespoon in the end ... :)

Lin said...

I hope Duke comes to MY house trick-or-treating!! Grace and Hobbes would be very scared seeing that skeleton at our door. Hee! Hee!

That reminds me--we still have to carve our pumpkin!! Yikes.

tahtimbo said...

I bet Duke's pumpkin will turn out better than mine :)
He has a great costume!
Have a Happy Halloween!

Unknown said...

I hope Duke didn't get a lot of pumpkin guts on his costume. For I hear it attracts goblin zombies. By the way, one of the images on this weeks A Sunday Drive might look real familiar to you.

Anonymous said...

lotsa fun photos...

Ann said...

out on the prairie yum cinnamon rolls, I don't suppose you have any left over? :)

Jean I haven't done a b&w with color photo in ages, actually haven't done any fun editing in ages. Duke just looked too darn cute in the costume.

country mouse studio thanks, every now and then it's fun to play

Audrey that basket may just end up sitting there for a few days until I'm sick of looking at

catherine oh yeah, BIG

beaded tail he was paying pretty close attention to the whole process.

kelly not only am I the one taking the pictures but I also hate to have my picture taken :)

Amanda WHAT?????? but how will the great pumpkin ever find you? Good grief!!!!!

Kloggers it's amazing how much younger Duke looks with his haircut. I also used a spoon to scoop out all the insides :)

Lin well you never know how far we'll go for treats, are you passing out good stuff? We might show up if you

tahtimbo I don't know about that, I should have picked a different template :)

fishhawkl oh no, that could explain the strange looking creature that's been hanging around. Thanks for making me one of the stops on the Sunday Drive. I guess I better tidy up a bit and put on some coffee

Grace nothing says fun like pumpkin guts spread out on the

Jen said...

Haaaay...some of those camera settings looked vaguely familiar *grin*. Duke looks to be awfully thin though; are you sure you're feeding him enough? Hee ;o)

Duni said...

No wonder Duke couldn't sit still. He must have been super excited wearing that awesome costume!!!
Ann, I'm glad you got your priorities right ;-)

p.s. can't wait to see your carved pumpkin. Looks fun!

Russ said...

Duke has the best costume around. He could win a costume contest. Love that pumpkin stencil. Want to see how well Wade does carving it.
Have a safe fun Halloween.

Marg said...

Duke, what a great costume. You should win something for that one. The pumpkin is going to be amazing. Happy Halloween.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I got my first laugh from Rem dressed up as a vampire, then found Duke as a skeleton, so now i am laughing. big smile on my face as Duke watches you so carefully. Jake watches everything we do and my hubby swears Jake could cook a mean breakfast if he had hands and could reach the stove. great post.

Joanne Olivieri said...

Duke is way too excited to sit around. Happy Halloween!

booahboo said...

That's a really cute costume for Duke.. it looks like a glow in a dark thingy :D

can't wait for your halloween pics tomorrow. Have a good Halloween Ann & Wade + Duke :)

livintheblues said...

great costume for the Dukester.. :) I would carve a pumpkin but being a Klutz sharp objects and I aren't a good mix ... :)

Sandee said...

I love your costume Duke. You are a dashing skeleton. Just saying. You are also a great help to your mom and dad by helping with all that carving. Just saying.

Have a terrific day and Happy Halloween. My very best to Duke. :)

Anonymous said...

nice peanuts reference mom

Unknown said...

Duke is so cute!

the booker man said...

grrreat halloweeny costume! i also see you were bein' an awesome plumpkin carvin' snooperviser. good work! teehee.

the booker man

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Very cool photo's! Duke sure is intently watching that pumpkin being carved :)

Ann said...

Jen I think we must have learned from the same book? He is looking a bit lean isn't he?

Duni and when he's excited there's no calming him down.

Russ too bad there aren't any contests around here for him to enter

Marg well I thought the pumpkin would be amazing until I started cutting

Sandra had I bought the costume I first saw Duke would have been a pirate but when I went back they didn't have one in his size. So skeleton it is. I would love to see Jake in the

poetic shutterbug yes he is

Anny it is a glow in the dark thing. and just too cute when he goes from a lit room into a dark room

livintheblues people tend to get a little cautious around me when I'm in possession of sharp objects

sandee he's the cutest skeleton I know

Amanda, thought you would like that

Tammy he says thanks :)

the booker man thanks, I do my best

LDH he's a very good student.

marie said...

Wow! These photos are that first one!

Miawa said...

His costume s soooooo cute!

DSS said...

Oh I just LOVE it! Do tell..will Duke wear that hat part? Louis will NOT allow anyting on his head. Which rules out lots of fun costumes :(

This is, I told him, why I forced him to wear a skirt this year. Mean mommy.

Tammy said...

Duke looks great in his costume. Very cute.

Ann said...

marie, thanks, I had fun playing around with those

Miawa lol i thought so

DSS he's ok with it going on his head but it doesn't stay long, he doesn't shake it off, it just sort of falls off because he's so
Mommy's have to be mean

b boys mom and he loves it too

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