Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Tonight is the big night. All the little ghosts and goblins will be coming in car loads to invade my street. I think we're ready for them though.
We finished the pumpkins.
Duke didn't want to clean up the mess and he even went so far as to throw a little temper tantrum.

In the end he saw it my way and we cleaned the mess up together.
I probably could have done better with these pictures but it was late and I really wasn't in to it.
This one is Wade's

And this one is mine. Once I got started on the cutting I wished I had picked something different. Too many little pieces to cut out and in the end I didn't do the whole thing. I opted for just the head and skipped the bottom part of it.
If I get any good pictures tonight I may use those tomorrow. I'm behind on scheduling my posts again and so I'm trying to scare a few up.

While visiting Russ this morning at Grampy's World I snagged one of his coloring book pages and did a little coloring in photoshop elements.
Happy Halloween everyone


Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Wow- that is some coloring project. Very nice pumpkins too. I think Duke was disappointed that it wasn't dinner for him!

jeanlivingsimple said...

Duke looks like he was bored.:)
Very cool cravings and colorings!!

Reeni said...

Your pumpkins look great! I threw a temper tantrum today myself and just put out my pumpkin as is. The lazy way. Happy Halloween!

BeadedTail said...

Duke, we would have thrown a temper tantrum too!

Your pumpkins both look fabulous! Ours isn't cut up because it'd look mutilated. Great job coloring the pumpking from Grampy too!

Happy Halloween!

Julie Harward said...

Those are very cool/spooky! And I love the temper tantrum! ;D

Lin said...

Both kitties sniffed the pumpkin insides and walked away. Apparently, pumpkin carving isn't fun for kitties either, Duke.

Sheri said...

Your pumpkins look great! I'll bet that was a lot of fun to do. As for Duke, he looks totally bored with the whole thing.

Cute coloring page. What a great greeting card that would make.

VanillaSeven said...

Sorry to say, Wade's carving is better than yours this time. But hey! You did the awesome coloring! So it's a tie. Happy Halloween!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what I'm looking at with the first pic - it's weird but I guess that's the point???

Tanyia said...

Happy Halloween, Ann. Finally have internet and am back online, yay! :) We did not do anything for Halloween, 2 sick kids, but we hopped them up on sugar to make up for it! lol

marie said...

Happy Halloween Ann!
Your pumpkins look great ~ we didn't even get any carved this year. Actually we didn't even get any bought! : )

tahtimbo said...

That is no fair! How do you get your pumpkins to turn out so good? I have never been able to get mine to turn out right. That ghost one is awesome!
I hope you had a great Halloween :)

Unknown said...

Ann I love the picture of the pumpkin man! My goodness how hard you have worked on those pumpkins too ........ it's a good job that Duke is so patient he looks on so intently as though he might help you next year. Lol!!

I hope that you enjoyed your Halloween ... not too scary!

Russ said...

Great job on the pumpkins.We don't do any over here. We just make a mess.I am glad you enjoyed the coloring page. It was meant for all the children. Young and old. I did one.

Jen said...

Oh, I love the pumpkins! You guys did such a great job that I suppose we can let the photo thing slide a bit (but just this once, okay? *grin*).

Unknown said...

Yep, they scared me!

Daisy said...

I hope you all had a fun Halloween!

Catherine said...

Hope you had a good Halloween! Your pumpkins look excellent!
xo Catherine

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Poor Duke all that mess to clean up, i would throw a tantrum to. you did good to cut out all those little holes and you get A+ on yur color book page, now i will have to try coloring. i just learned how to turn a photo in to a color book page. can't wait to pplay

booahboo said...

Pretty cool carvings on them pumpkins :) i never did carve a pumpkin before :D

Poor Duke doesn't look quite happy to be asked to clean up.. *BOL* But the first picture is so cute.. the expression is priceless!

livintheblues said...

Dukester needs a treat I can tell...:)

Out on the prairie said...

You had a lot of fun, never got around to carving. May make some bars with mine and a pie later this month.They go out the night before here, calling it Beggers Night.

Bossy Betty said...

Very impressed with the end results! I'm with Duke on the cleaning up part though.

Sandee said...

Looks like you had a great time. That's what it's all about. I love Duke's little tantrum. Just saying.

Have a terrific first day of November. My best to Duke. :)

Miawa said...

I'll bet Duke was a big help, right? both pumpkins look great. I've never carved one, I'm chicken - I admit it. I bought them and let my kids play havoc with them, they had a blast oh so many years ago.

DSS said...

I think both pumpkins are just fabulous! Louis helped us with carving. He kept sticking his head IN the pumpkin. Ewww...

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! WOW!!!! What a great pumpkin carving ... scary. Hope you ugys had a great Hal day. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Unknown said...

Lovely pumpkin faces! Duke is so cute in his costume.

Thank you for visiting my 'French Obsession'- post. To answer your question: Yes, that is exactly what I mean. Being able to speak French saved my Daddy's life.

Best wishes & hugs,

Tammy said...

Love you pumpkins. Sorry to hear that you had rain. That doesn't make for fun trick or treating. I'm sure Duke still had fun helping pass out candy.

Ann said...

Sharkbytes, I think you're right Duke was hoping it was something to eat

Jean I think he was :)

Reeni I should have done that

beaded tail temper tantrums can be fun sometimes :)

Julie they were also kind of a

Lin I guess you have to be a human pup for pumpkins to be fun

sheri I think I'm just getting too old for this stuff any more. It wasn't as much fun as it used to be :)

Vanilla seven I'll be happy with a tie. You're right though Wade's is better

Grace that's Duke sitting in front of all the junk I scooped out of the

Tanyia wondered where you've been

marie we almost didn't get any either. We waited too long and all the roadside stand had been closed luckily we found one

tahtimbo I usually just do the triangle eyes and nose but decided to use a stencil this year. I may go back to Better yet buy one of those fake ones for next year

kloggers you never know what Duke will do, he does seem to be multi

Russ they are messy, maybe I'll skip them from now on. I had fun coloring

Jen maybe next year I'll be in to it. Hopefully next year I won't feel as crappy, darn cold

fishhawk not too much I hope :)

Daisy it was ok, just isn't as much fun as it used to be.

catherine thanks, but I'm glad it's over for another year

sandra I don't play in pse as much as I used to but when I was first learning it I could kill a day easy

anny all I can say about carving a pumpkin is that it's a messy

livintheblues, Duke always needs a

out on the prairie pumpkin bars sound pretty good. Beggers night sounds about right ;)

bossy betty I agree with Duke too, I hate cleaning :)

sandee Duke can even make a tantrum look cute can't he

Miawa oh yes, big

DSS LOL Duke did that the first year we had him for Halloween

Sugar, yep just the right amount of scariness :)

Anna I thought he was the cutest skeleton I've ever seen

Donna said...

Very Nicely Done Ann!! Love Duke's Tantrum!Hahaa

Ann said...

b boys mom, yeah the rain really stunk as if the cold wasn't bad enough

Donna thanks. Duke does do tantrums well :)

Marg said...

Too funny Love all your pumpkin pictures. At least you carved a pumpkin. Our assistant was way too lazy to do that. Take care.

Ann said...

Marg, I was almost too lazy to do it too, kind of waited till last minute.

Kari said...

Those pumpkins are so insanely cute! I love them. Thanks for posting those pics, always good ideas for next year!

Ann said...

kari thanks, mine probably could have been better if I would have given myself more time to do it, I just kept putting it off

allotments4you said...

Just playing catch up Ann...the pumpkin looks ace!!

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