Friday, October 22, 2010

The reveal

I thought about keeping you in suspense a while longer but chose instead to let you see today what the verdict was on the new groomer.

We arrived promptly for our appointment
Not the best picture but silly me was trying to be discreet about taking the shot. Any way, I dropped him off and they asked if I could pick him up around 4:30.
Rather than going back home I chose to wander around in the grocery store and the local dollar store. While I was there I picked up something really cute for Duke.
I returned shortly before the requested time and she told me it was going to be closer to 5:00 before Duke was done. No problem, she had magazines so I waited.
When you walk in, you're able to see them working on the dogs so I got to watch. Duke was the last dog there and since no one else was around I broke down and asked Cindy (Duke's new groomer) if I could take a picture. I explained that I had a blog and that Duke had many fans. She graciously allowed me to take a shot.
 When she was done she even gave him a cute little Halloween bandanna to wear home.
 Here's the before and after. Cute either way but I must say he looks quite handsome now although a little bit smaller.
 And the verdict is, we like Cindy. We'll be going back.


Sandee said...

Cindy did an excellent job. Duke looks amazing. Cindy knows what she's doing.

Have a terrific day. My very best to my handsome Duke. :)

Catherine said...

Look what a good boy Duke is sitting still for his hair cut. And how cute is he? Extra cute I would say with that Halloween bandana ~ adorable!

Hugs to you and Duke for a beautiful weekend Ann!
xo Catherine

jeanlivingsimple said...

Wow!Duke looks like a dog from Hollywood! Great photos...they are very professional.

BeadedTail said...

Duke looks very dapper with his new do! Cindy did a great job! He looks quite pleased with the results too.

WillOaks Studio said...

He just looks super and now I'm inspired to FINALLY make that appt. for Dakota to get cleaned up here, too! Thanks Duke!

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

I think she did a great job, and that picture of him with the trim is just professional! He's quite the star. Chips seemed to understand, and would pose for pictures. Duke seems to "get it" too.

Marg said...

Oh my goodness, Duke you look so cute with your new hair dooooo. And that picture of you being so good having it all done. We sure do approve of Cindy. Gosh he looks so cute. Have a good weekend Duke with all the ladies swooning over you.

livintheblues said...

Lookin Good...:) I am almost tempted to go get a haircut now..:)

Anonymous said...

He looks so happy and lively in that shot on the groomer's table. I like the shorter hair-do better (I think..)

Unknown said...

Oh goodness me ..... he looks like a puppy once again! What a difference. 'Duke you are a handsome gentleman.'

tahtimbo said...

Well, Duke, you look very handsome with your new style. I have a feeling you will be breaking a lot lady-dog hearts, especially with that bandanna :)
Have a great weekend!

Sheri said...

Oh Duke! They did it to you too? Dad dropped me off this morning and Mom picked me up after work. They put a cute bandana on me too. It wasn't for Halloween though :( Anyway, Mom keeps saying how I look so small! Hey I may be small but I'm mighty! All 7 pounds of me!

I'll have to have Mom take a picture of me with my new "Do"

Signed, Bubba

Anonymous said...

Duke looks very sharp Mom, and I bet he just LOOOVES his new scarf. He does look nice groomed though. I must say thats a lot of doggy fur on the floor too! Too bad i'm not there duke and I could of BOTH had before and after shots lol.

Duni said...

She did a fabulous job! Duke looks super cute with his new 'haircut' and what a sweet gesture of his groomer to give him a new bandana :)

Unknown said...

Okay, I completely misread what you wrote yesterday. For I thought that you were saying that his new groomer did a horrible job, and I was scratching my head (literally, might be fleas?) until I went back and saw what you really said. Yes, he really does look quite handsome, and you have taken another portrait-quality picture of him!

Ann said...

Sandee I could tell by watching her and listening to her talk that she does indeed know what she's doing. I was very impressed and it was a big improvement over how I felt about the last groomer

Catherine he is good at the groomer although he didn't stand so still through the whole thing, he does do a lot of jumping around

Jean thanks, and he does look handsome doesn't he

beaded tail I think Duke was very happy with his new look and I know his dad was impressed too

Will Oaks I tend to treat Duke's haircuts like my own, I put them off forever before finally breaking down and making the appointment. I really should do it more often :) Hope Dakota has a good groomer also :)

Marg well he also got a dab of doggie cologne while he was there so he may be beating those lady dogs off with a

livintheblues almost but not quite huh?

grace I would have to say that of the two looks I do like the shorter better but I'm so bad at making the appointments in a timely manner

kloggers it does make a huge difference, almost doesn't look like the same dog

tahtimbo Duke says thanks and he's looking forward to seeing what all the girls in the neighborhood think

sheri, oh Bubba not you too? Us small guys need to stick together. I bet you're looking pretty spiffy and we can't wait to see pictures of your new do

Amanda yes he does, now if only I can get on a better schedule of keeping him looking this way. You know how he is about clothes so yes he does LOVE the scarf. The hair on the floor isn't all from Duke, she didn't sweep up in between dogs and there was another white dog there right before him. That would have been a cute picture of you and Duke both

Duni I saw her putting a bandanna on the dog before Duke and I just figured she had come in with that on so it was a nice surprise when I saw her also put one on Duke. I liked that.

Fishhawk I'll take part of the blame for your confusion. I know what I'm thinking but I can't always get it to come out sounding right and tend to confuse people :) Thank you very much, I was quite pleased with how that picture turned out.

Jen said...

He looks adorable! I mean, your little man is always precious, but I love the haircut. Her sign struck me as being a good indicator of what kind of groomer she would be (I liked the old-fashioned feel of it and the fact that it was above and beyond most generic business signs :o) Glad you found a "keeper" there, Duke!
P.S. I just love that HI MOM! look on his face in the photo with the groomer.

Philippa said...

He looks fantastic, and whiter than white! (So innocent, too, so I guess he can be forgiven his recent Bad Dog episode!!) The portrait with the halloween scarf is just gorgeous.

allotments4you said...

Oh Ann he does look adorable...a thumbs up from me to Cindy too!! :-)

Russ said...

That is so funny. Duke does look a bit smaller. But what a handsome haircut that was. Yes I believe you have a keeper in that stylist.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

You look soooo handsome in your orange scarf. to me you are just as beautiful with long hair or short. she did a good job on your cut. I am a fan of shaggy or not shaggy. you have a kissable face for sure Duke

Asma’ AB said...

oh he look so handsome and smart with this new look ann! :D

Miawa said...

he looks so much smaller, like a pup again, he should be so proud. I like it.

Out on the prairie said...

The bandanna topped it off.He was smiling in the groomer pic, seems to like it well.Does look like a good job, mine gives $4 off if you make a next time.

Donna said...

Oh yes, this groomer is a keeper! Duke looks positively dashing!

Split Rock Ranch said...

He looks so cute! Glad you found a groomer that you and Duke like.

Leeuna said...

Oh My! And I thought he couldn't get more adorable, but I see I was wrong. I love the new cut and it even made him look younger! I think he knows he is cute -- just look how he poses for the camera. So precious.

Auntie E said...

Oh he's a cutie. Great job on the cut.

VanillaSeven said...

Oh Duke is soo handsome now! He looks much younger! Love the bandana too!

Carole Barkett said...

He looks happy, she must be a good groomer.

Ann said...

Jen I love the look too. It is a nice sign, has some style to it. That is a "hi mom" look he's giving me isn't it :)

Philippa don't let that innocent look fool you too but yes he can be forgiven

allotments4you I was very pleased with her work

Russ I believe I do also

Sandra Duke thanks you very much and he always appreciates hugs and kisses

As Ahmad thanks, he looks a bit more respectable now I think :)

Miawa I think he's very proud of how handsome he look but it's amazing how all that fur can make him look so much bigger

out on the prairie, I thought the bandanna was a nice touch, shows she is thinking about her clients. I saw a sign in her shop that you get $5 off for referring someone.

Donna definitely a keeper.

Split rock ranch me too, and the best part is it's not that far away

Leeuna not only does he know he's cute but he knows how to use that to his advantage :)

Auntie E thanks, and yes she did a fantastic job

vanilla seven it does make him look younger but so much more refined as well

country mouse studios from what I saw of her working she's very good. She also takes the time to talk to you and answer any questions you have. I was very pleased

Bossy Betty said...

Fabulous hairdo!!!! Duke looks so handsome!

Erika said...

He looks like a puppy!!

And I cracked up at the post about the trolley:) What a name.

June Zach (Fledgling Blogger) said...

Cute. Neat. Clean.
That's all I can say! :D

Cindy did a nice job! :)

Ann said...

Bossy Betty, If only my hair stylist was so good :)

Erika yes he does. that trolley cracked me up big time :)

June Zach if only it would stay that way :) We agree, Cindy did do a good job

Daisy said...

Duke looks so handsome and jaunty with his new 'do and bandana. I think it is a good sign that he looks so happy in that grooming shot.

Joanne Olivieri said...

He looks more grownup now and I love his little bandana. He's still the hottie :D

Ann said...

Daisy very good sign, he seemed to like her and not one big nervous

poetic shutterbug :) and he knows it too

Ann Martin said...

Oh my goodness, Duke looks fantabulous! Cindy is a keeper for sure.

Ann said...

Ann, yes she sure is. He doesn't look like the same dog :)

Tammy said...

Is that Duke or Caesar? What a handsome doggie he is.

Ann said...

B boys mom, well if it's Caesar he sure does a pretty good Duke

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