Saturday, October 23, 2010

It takes so little to amuse me.

As you know I work in a grocery store. The vendor that brings in bread pushes the trays of bread in on a plastic trolley. I've seen these sitting around the store for ages. They look like this one leaning up against the side of the building.
 Nothing special, and I never really payed much attention to them. Until the other day that is. I was outside on break, pulled out my phone and was looking for things to take pictures of. Yeah, my breaks are filled with excitement. Anyway, I snapped a picture of that thing and then went in for a close up. Now please don't ask me why I thought that this would make an exciting picture because I really can't answer that. I'm prone to taking very random and very silly shots. Especially when bored.
Moving right along, when I went for the close up, I noticed the writing on the side for the first time and it totally cracked me up.
I told you it doesn't take much to amuse me.

What about you? Are you easily amused by silly/stupid things?


GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I'm amused :)

Julie Harward said...

That is funny! Life is so full of things like that, if we just "look"..I think that was a good shot! ;D

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Well, yes, but that one is definitely worth a chuckle.

jeanlivingsimple said...

Bimbo Bakeries? ROFL! Works for me.Hehehe

BeadedTail said...

That amused me too! What an odd name. Hope it's not descriptive!

Anonymous said...

Bimbo Bakeries? Call for Dolly pick-up? Too funny. Odd thing is just this past week I read something somewhere about Bimbo Bakeries...

tahtimbo said...

That is too funny. At least the owners have a sense of humour :)

Bossy Betty said...

Are you kidding me? I love pictures like this. I am sure we could be easily amused together.

allotments4you said...

I think it is these little silly things that amuse me more than anything else...or when people say something and it has double meaning...I like to take the little pleasures in life and smile and laugh as much as possible so i loved that you have shared this with us Ann...It has made my Sunday morning happy!!

Duni said...

Haha! What a funny name :)
Sure, I'm easily amused. Last thing that cracked me up was a sign on a landscape/garden company (in Germany). It more or less translates to 'no good company' :)

Jen said...

Those of us who are easily entertained salute you; I certainly got a giggle or two out of it :o)

Unknown said...

I would wonder out-loud about where they cultivate their yeast, but around a group of ladies, it would probably be considered in very poor taste. So, I won't.

By the way, you got an honorable mention from Sandie.

Russ said...

I loved it. The name cracked me up. Then I was trying to read more into it. Sometimes a name is just a name. Even if it is a silly name.

Ann said...

LDH, it's the little Hope Raider is doing better

Julie yep, just look and maybe add a little imagination to it

sharkbytes I thought so

Jean me too, anything that makes me laugh is worth a picture

beaded tail really, I have to wonder what the employees look like

Grace well sounds like that Bimbo Baker gets around

tahtimbo I feel bad for the owner if that's their last

Bossy Betty I'm quite sure that you and I could cause some hysterical laughter

allotments4you my husband is the king of double meaning and you always have to choose your words wisely with him :)

Duni lol not such a good name for a business is it.

Jen I thank you very much for the salute :)

Fishhawk, oh you would

Russ, reading more into it is what made me find it so silly. :)

Marg said...

That is such a wonderful trait to find something funny in what just an ordinary item. I do think that is very funny. Great post, enjoy your weekend

Catherine said...

LOL ~ that is cute! Oh yes ~ little things sometimes bring out the best chuckles for the day!

Happy Sunday Ann!
xo Catherine

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am soooooo easily amused by anything at all when I have camera in hand. that is how I got the name Madsnapper. my hubby said anytime he looked at me I was madly snapping. i spend hours in my yard taking shots of grass blades and bugs to flowers and trees, holes in the swing roof etc. love this shot and the imprint is really funny. thanks for sharing.

gayle said...

Great idea!! I need to start taking my camera with me more!

Out on the prairie said...

Will you look at the delivery person in a different light?Hey and it gave your break a little bit of humor.

booahboo said...

good one.. hahahahahaa..thanks for sharing it with us Ann :) little things like this sure cracks me up any day!

Anonymous said...

What about me? Am I easily amused by silly/stupid things?

Yes...every time I look in the mirror :-)

Carole Barkett said...

I'm very easily amused and love this kind of stuff, but Bimbo, who would choose a name like that?

Lin said...

I think you already know that I like silly things. And I know you do too--that is why I like to read your blog, silly! ;)

Joanne Olivieri said...

Oh Ann, that is classic, I cannot stop laughing, what a great capture. Hilarious.

Ann said...

Marg if only I could find the funny stuff more often :)

Catherine and yet someone can tell me a joke that they think is hysterically funny and I won't get

Sandra a camera is a great source of entertainment for me. My husband usually shakes his head at me when he sees me taking what he thinks are silly pictures

gayle I don't always remember my camera but since the phone also has a camera I'm in luck :)

out on the prairie well I've always wondered about "Chuck" the guy who brings the

Anny you guys are the only ones I can share it with, everyone else thinks I'm

the old geezer well at least you can look in the mirror and be amused, I just jump in

country mouse studios can you imagine if that's someone's last name the teasing they must have gone through in school

Lin and why I like yours as well :)

poetic shutterbug I can't believe it took me so long to notice that :)

Ann Martin said...

I'm amused (easily), but really, it's funny!

Ann said...

Ann, nice thing about being easily amused is you can always entertain yourself :)

Tammy said...

Hey it made me laugh. What a funny name.

Ann said...

b boys mom, made me laugh too, can you imagine having a name like that?

Janice said...

I love taking pics of random things. I can be entertained for hours with my camera!

Ann said...

Janice, me too, and it really annoys my husband, he just rolls his eyes at me when I take silly pictures

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