Thursday, January 13, 2011


I was mighty glad to read your comments on my post yesterday and see that I'm not alone in the blogging addiction thing. I really didn't mean to complain about it because I truly do enjoy it. I just wish that I had more time to do other things. I guess the only thing right now that I'm willing to give up would be my job, however, that is attached to my paycheck which I'm NOT willing to give up.
You're probably wondering what all of that has to do with C.R.S (can't remember stuff, although stuff is more often replaced by a 4 letter word) Actually it has nothing to do with it at all, and merely serves as an opening to tonight's otherwise short post.
I believe it was last month a made a card and can't remember if I had shown it to you or not. I used it the other day to send to someone and took a picture of it first.
This one has another one of those tea bag folded medallions on it.
I cut a piece of scrapbook paper in to 2" squares to fold for the medallion then mounted it to a plain green piece of cardstock.  The larger piece of patterned paper is the same paper I used for the medallion.

So I'm taking it slow tonight. I'm not commenting on EVERY single post I read and I may not even get around to all of you. If not I'll catch up with you over the weekend.


Out on the prairie said...

Love this fold, I will have to look it up.You do such nice cards.

Sandee said...

You haven't shown us this card before. It's quite lovely. Handmade cards are so very nice. I get one from my sister in law often. Extra special.

Have a terrific day. My very best to my four legged pal Duke. :)

livintheblues said...

I am inflicted with CRS...which is why I have extra things..I can't find something so in frustration I get another one..which of course is when the original magically appears..:)

Marg said...

That card is terrific and we haven't seen it before. As usual Good work Ann. You do a terrific job. Hugs to that Duke boy. Take care.

Janice said...

Love the card and the medallion! I need some step by step pictures on how to make the medallion! Would love to try to make one sometime.

BeadedTail said...

I haven't seen the card before either. I really like the medallion you made. So pretty!

That darn paycheck makes it so hard to give up those jobs doesn't it?

Hugs to Duke!

marie said...

Love this card - the colors are really pretty.

Good for you - taking it a bit slow tonight! All the posts will be there this weekend.

Beebeebabs said...

Love your card you did a great job thanks for sharing!!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Ann n Duke. Happy New Year! My mom is suffering from CRS - she said she needs vacation from her vacation. Totally understand what you mean - were are very slowly catching up with everyone's blog. You are one of our friends that leave a comment all the time - Lots of Golden Thanks. Lovely cards - you are just so creative Ann. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Lin said...

I didn't read that post yet, but I will. See--I've had to cut down on the time spent on blogs and commenting to actually live a life off of the computer. It's crazy, isn't it??!

I love the card. You are really talented!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, I knew what you meant and took it in the good spirit it was meant. I think most of us serious bloggers feel just this way!! I'm getting almost nothing else done!! But I don't want to complain because I love it and want lots of followers!! Well, it is a happy problem to have! I love the card!!! Exquisite.

tahtimbo said...

That's a real cool looking card!
I have been slowing down a lot as well. There is so much going on with school (like a math teacher that doesn't teach, so I have to figure things out on my own) and other things, that I have less and less time to spend blogging.

SUGANTHI said...

Really pretty card!

Anonymous said...

Very nice - someone sure will be happy to get that!

allotments4you said...

Nice card Ann...and as I have been so erratic with my reading and commenting of late I don't mind at all if you don't manage to catch up with me for a while!!

Unknown said...

It would sure be good if you had a faithful helper, who would take up the slack when you are struggling for just a few strips of bacon a couple of times a day.

Jen said...

Beautimous! ;o)

Duni said...

Oh wow! That is pretty. I love the green paper you used, and the origami-style medallion is the perfect finishing touch!

Philippa said...

Great medallion, Ann - very impressive! It looks complicated to me ... well done!

Catherine said...

Wow ~ this card is beautiful Ann!! An extra special one I think.

ahhh..... so many beautiful blogs.... so little time... ;)

xo Catherine

Russ aka Grampy said...

That is one lovely card Ann. Haven't seen it before either.The folded medallion is exquisite.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Audrey said...

You are a patient woman!! All that folding would drive me nuts.
Beautiful Card!!

CRS - will have to mark that down!! Definitely will replace "stuff" with a better word :)

Helen said...

this is one unique fold. I need to make some of these fold.

Also, you can count me in on the blogging addiction. I woke up in the morning and that was the first thing I did. I told myself it will be just a few minutes. Minutes alright, except those minutes turned into hours most of the time. :)

Erika said...

I had a good laugh when I saw the title of the post in my reader. My great aunt, a saucy 4 foot, red-head with a mouth of a sailor liked to say she had C.R.S. And she used the four letter word for S.

The card is gorgeous. And I am loving the new banner. Duke looks so pretty against the snowy background.

Miawa said...

It was taken as complaining but as an explanation that we each understand! Just breath in, breath out and keep going. Your header pic is gorgeous.

Ann said...

What a pretty card! I just caught up with your previous post and want to say you always are such a wonderful commenter, Ann. You get exactly to the heart of each post with what you say... thoughtful and concise. I hope you enjoy reading and commenting as much as you seem to, but if you don't, then it's perfectly okay to stop or just take a break. Everyone would understand.

Carole Barkett said...

wow, that is a really beautiful card

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i really do have the CRS thing, really really. i don't remember you showing this to us before, so you must not have, since I can't remember it. ha ha doesn't matter, it is beautiful. and like you it is hard to decide what to give up to do the blogging. you made a good decision and we will see you when we see you

Tammy said...

You did better then me I didn't even post. I have to get back on track.

Your card is wonderful. Who ever you sent it to must be very special.

Donna said...

How pretty! I understand your frustration about not having enough time. Even with retirement, it seems like it slips away on you! LOL, and now I am back to working again part-time because I hate to turn down really good money for easy work.

Ann said...

out on the prairie thanks, this kind of card is pretty fun to do

sandee I have a whole box of them that for some silly reason I just can't seem to send on to

llivintheblues that's a sure way to find something, buy a new one :)

marg thank you

janice they are really easy to do, just fold a little square of paper, there are several sites that have good directions

beaded tail thanks. even though I don't have a huge paycheck it would be hard to walk away from

marie thanks, I liked the colors too

beebeebabs thanks, I enjoy doing them sometimes

sugar vacation from vacation I can certainly relate to.

Lin it's ok not to read, that's why I have

ginny once my blog started growing and there were people actually reading what I wrote I instantly fell in love with blogging. You guys keep me going

tahtimbo thanks. I don't know if I could handle do the school work. I was always terrible at helping my kids with homework

suganthi thank you so much

grace, thanks, I hope so

allotments4you thanks. maybe one of these days I will actually take a break and do something besides blogging

fishhawk now if only I could teach this helper how to type

jen thannnnnnnnnnnnks

duni thank you I liked the way this one just seemed to work

philippa they really aren't that hard to do at all. I sat in front of the tv while I was doing that one

catherine thank you it was almost like this one just put itself together :)

russ thanks it's amazing what a few folded pieces of paper can do

audrey it kept my hands busy while I was watching tv since just sitting in front of the television drives me nuts

helen I really liked this one too. I do the same thing on my days off. I start off with a cup of coffee and the blogs

erika your great aunt sounds like she was a hoot.

miawa breathe in breathe out and keep going is my daily motto :)

ann thanks and I do enjoy reading and commenting. Can't explain why exactly but I do :)

country mouse studio thank you very much

sandra some days the memory is sharper than others

b boys mom this time last year I was pretty erratic with my posting so I started a challenge for myself to post every single day and see how long I could keep it going. It's forced me to try and keep my mind working in the evenings.

donna thank you. My dad used to say that he was busier after he retired than he was when he was working. If that's true I don't know if I could handle a busier

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