Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wishing it was Monday again

Tuesdays aren't generally so bad but when you get to spend your Monday morning doing this...
I would rather have this kind of Monday morning. I had asked for the day off for a dentist appointment and was given one of my vacation days instead. It seems that too many of us that have accumulated the vacation days have been waiting too long in the year to take them. So now if we ask for a day off he's just going to give it to us as a vacation day. I wish I would have known that sooner, I would have just asked to switch with someone instead. I hate using vacation days for things like going to the dentist.
Oh well, at least I did get to start the morning hanging on the couch with the laptop and my coffee and the tv in the background for some noise.


Sandee said...

I'm sure that Duke is happy that you are home. He doesn't like to be alone, but you already know that.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

livintheblues said...

psssttt.. I did that on Monday as well..:)

Sharkbytes said...

Nice for some lazy days!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Look at you just chilling out there by your computer enjoying yourself! I don't see Duke on your lap :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm doing a double take! Is this Me or what?? I have slippers on this color, my feet are up and I have the laptop on my lap with the T.V. on beyond it!

Anonymous said...

Hope things went well at the dentist - not a real big "owie" -

BeadedTail said...

I'm sitting like that right now except my mug of tea is on my left and my laptop is on my lap! My slippers are purple fuzzy ones though! Hope the dentist appointment went well and that you were able to do crafty stuff on your "vacation" day too.

Catherine said...

Booo to having to use vacation days for dentist appointments... but hooray for having a Monday off and being able to relax with coffee and laptop! :)

xo Catherine

booahboo said...

i do love your shoes :D urmmms.. where's Duke?

J. M. P. said...

The same happens to us with the vacation days, on January we usually have some surprises when asking for a day off. I have to say I love that photo! :D

Unknown said...

Um, what show was on the TV then? It looks quite entertaining.

VanillaSeven said...

I wished Monday won't come so soon... BTW, spunky boots you have there ann :)

allotments4you said...

The best kind of Monday!! :-) You have the same radiator as me!!

Russ aka Grampy said...

Isn't it funny how we all see different things in the same picture. I see myself sitting there feet up. My new crocheted slippers on.My wife made them for Christmas.
Hope you had a good dental visit.
We are expecting more snow for Friday.

Donna said...

As I sit here at my work desk...I'm jealous!!Hahaa

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ok, this is my first LOL of the day, really laughing andlove the shot and the info. enjoy your vaction day. NOT. sorry you have to go to the dentist

Bossy Betty said...

Looks like the perfect way to start the day!

Carole Barkett said...

Great way to spend a cold January day :O)

Anonymous said...

And lazy days are good days...especially when you finally get them!

Alain said...

I also have a radiator like that! I hope your dentist visit went okay.

Anne said...

That sounds kind of stinky about the vacation day. Too bad you didn't find out before you asked for the day off. Was Duke curled up with you?

Marg said...

WEll at least you had a day off. Looks like you are rather comfy and I bet Duke isn't far away.Hope the darn dentist wasn't too bad. Have a great evening.

Ann said...

sandee, he's always thrilled when one of us has the day off

livintheblues wasn't it great?

sharkbytes you bet

LDH you'll see where he was tomorrow

Ginny LOL maybe you have another sister besides Sandra. :)

Grace no big owies, it was an easy one

beaded tail a mirror image of me huh...lol

catherine yeah, doesn't that stink. oh well it was still a day off

anny duke's not far

josep this is a first for us. I wish I would have seen it coming

fishhawk ya know, I have no idea what it was, I wasn't really watching it

vanilla seven thanks, I dream of my weekends...lol

allotments4you yes indeed. can't beat a monday off. love that radiator, it works so well

russ more snow here, I didn't get crocheted slippers for christmas but I did get the ones I have on in the picture.

donna aw I'm sorry, want me to pour you a cup of coffee?

sandra ah, I'm so glad I was the first laugh. I like being first..lol

bossy betty can't beat it. wish I could do it more often

country mouse studio absolutely

lisa and there are far to few of them to get.

alan, those radiators are fantastic, not very big but puts out a lot of heat

anne very stinky but I'll know for the next time. yes duke was in fact curled up right next to me

marg you're right, it was a day off and since I had to go out to the dentist I took advantage of it and did some shopping too :)

Tammy said...

Looks like you are using your vacation day for a little R and R even if you did have to go to the Dentist.

Ann said...

b boys mom, I snuck as much in as I could :)

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