Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welcome 2011

I hope that everyone had a good new years eve celebration whatever it is that you may have done. As expected I didn't make it until midnight.
I didn't make any resolutions, I gave up on them years ago since I never could keep them any way. I have set some goals for myself though. Some I may reach, some I may not but the plan is to move in to this year looking ahead, forgetting about the past, and always looking for the good in anything that may come my way.
I have Duke here to help me stay on track. He's showing me the way to keep looking ahead.
How about you? Did you make new years resolutions?


Ginny Hartzler said...

You are right about resolutions, and I totally agree with what you said! I will be posting mine on Monday!

Sandee said...

I slept right through midnight too. I never stay up anymore. By 10 it's bed time.

I haven't made a new years resolution in many years. Why set yourself up for failure.

Duke is a great help in helping you look forward. That's what he does every single day. Smart little guy that he is.

Have a terrific day and a great year ahead. My very best to Duke. :)

BeadedTail said...

We are up past 11 every night so we did make it to 1am last night. It's easier for me to stay up than to get up early - I'm a night owl!

I don't make resolutions either since I don't like to fail but I do make goals of things I hope to accomplish. If I don't do it one year, they often become goals of the next so they eventually get done.

Duke is one smart (and adorable) dog and he'll for sure keep you on track!

Sharkbytes said...

Not sure... I'll try to follow Duke.

livintheblues said...

I'll wait and see how Duke makes out..:)

tahtimbo said...

My resolution is to not make any resolutions, so you can see that I have already broken my New Year's resolution. Hey, I'm off on a role, huh? :)
I hope that you and your family have a very Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

No resolutions, no goals - Great photo..

Lin said...

Nope, no resolutions. I think the only thing I do religiously is to learn something new each year. This year, I am going to take a PSE class to master it! Happy New Year!

Doris Sturm said...

Love your boy - he's snow white!

I never make resolutions, they just set me up for failure. I'm basically trying to improve, be more patient with others, do more around the house and walk more with Gizzy - and for myself...just little changes for the better. We can all do better, I think, but it has to come from within and not forced. I have my boy, Gizzy, who helps me walk through life and I too am trying to be better for him as well.

Happy New Year!

Duni said...

Hi Ann and Duke! Wishing you a joyous and healthy New Year 2011!
Hugs, Duni

Marg said...

WE made lots of resolutions. Beg lots more for treats,food, toys and also take many more naps. Those should be easy to keep.
Now our Mom doesn't make resolutions since she can't keep them for more than five minutes. She also has some goals too. Take care and Duke keep your mom on the right track.

Anne said...

While I do have a few goals for 2011, I haven't made any resolutions. A lot of the goals were started back in October or November.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

is our guy duke giving you the cold shoulder like baby gave me? no resolutions, never have, never will. the year will be what it will be. no goals either. i am in the miniority of course. give duke a kiss on that precious face from me.

Audrey said...

I don't do resolutions either - no point in it. I do usually start the year with a "word of the year". Last year it was "organize", and I think I did pretty good. Still trying to figure out what this years word will be.

Daisy said...

My Mommeh and I went to bed before midnight, too! My resolution is to have some fun every single day.

Russ said...

I am also following Duke. Straight ahead and be the best person I can.
Happy New Year.

Donna said...

I don't believe in doing resolutions. But I am a big believer in setting goals! And the process of setting them has nothing to do with what day it is. I set and reset goals throughout the whole year, depending on circumstances and what I think I can handle. Duke's got the right idea about looking ahead too, LOL!

Out on the prairie said...

Don't believe in everything that dog wants you to do or he will have you out in the yard chasing critters.

Unknown said...

Dear Anna & Duke,
Thank you for visiting us on our different posts be it memes or new Etsy treasuries. You are real pals!

Resolutions? Do the best you can, that's all. And we think you and Duke are wonderful!

We stayed up to midnight because there is always fireworks on New Year's Eve to light up the dark winter's night sky. It's a tradition in Sweden.

But Erik, now nine years, old fell asleep and missed the rockets. Elisabet had taken a nap earlier and was totally wide awake and saw the whole shoe of fire works from the upstairs bathroom window!

We wish you all the very best in 2011!
Erik, Elisabet, and the cats:
Sara, Cajsa and even Calle Cat who has taken up residence as a country gentle-cat.

allotments4you said...

I don't think I have ever made a new years resolution. I continuously set goals for myself throughout the year for tasks I want to do but they are never resolutions....I always found friends that made them ended up breaking them so I figure I'm more likely to get stuff done if I don't pressure myself into ti.
Happy New Year Ann... :-)

Ann Martin said...

I like your idea of goals instead of resolutions - sounds much more obtainable that way for some reason - less of a threat maybe! Best wishes for all things good, Ann!

gayle said...

I don't really make resolutions! Just the same thoughts/goals that I make every month! To eat healty and workout more. Didn't do to well on the working out part last year! Maybe I will do better in 2011.

Molly Smith said...

Precious photo as usual!
My goal is to give thanks every day in 2011. It is so easy to do and takes so little time. Whether a written note, phone call, FB post or in person, etc.

Thank you Ann for always commenting on my blog when you drop by (more than anyone else) lol! :o)

Have a great week! xo

Unknown said...

Which way was the air circulating when you took that picture?

Catherine said...

Nope ~ no New Year's Resolutions for me! I will just go with the wind with no plans! :)
xo Catherine

Philippa said...

I think your 'New Year Philosophy' is excellent, Ann. Hope you have a great 2011.

Yuenie said...

"Duke says "Mom loves comments" " brought a chuckle to my lips =)

I really like that you use goals in place of resolutions. More practical, less airy fairy clouds in the air.

Happy New Year, Ann!

Karen said...

I gave up on making resolutions. I like your idea of goals. Have a great new year.

DSS said...

I do have some resolutions this year, but I think you've got the right idea! They should be goals that will work to make things happier/better/more successful. That's all. And even if you only complete some of them, then you are still having success...not failing. I'm tired of failing to complete my resolutions. Grrr...

Happy New Year to you and Duke :)

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