Monday, January 24, 2011

Trash to treasure

A friend of mine had a box of stuff she was going to throw away. She was going to throw it away until she thought of me. She hung on to it instead to see if I might want it.
This is what she had

HOLY SMOKES! That's like spring time in a box. Just look at those colors.

She said when she saw this she thought of quilling. The papers are much wider than what you would use in most quilling since they are just over a 1/2 inch wide. Plus they are a heavier paper too, more like cardstock,  but I thought they were perfect for some JUMBO quilling.

Maybe if I didn't get in so close with the camera you wouldn't be able to see that I was a little messy with the glue on this flower. This is the first one I did and I have a little idea here for what this is going to be used for. More on that when I actually finish it.
Just for fun I took the picture of the box of paper and played with it in my Dazzling Reflections kaleidoscope program. I thought those would look good either as a background for a card or maybe I might print them out and use them for making some tea bag medallions.
Oh I just love it when people give me crafty material. I'm in heaven


Sandee said...

You scored big time. What a large box of beautiful colors. She's happy and you are thrilled. Way to go. Have a ball creating.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Helen said...

They sure are treasure. These strips are perfect for display quilling.

Beebeebabs said...

Wow wee Ann lucky you!!!

Anonymous said...

That is flippin' fabulous!

Lin said...


GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

How I love the giant quilling! Good thinking! Not sure about the card stock weight, but they are the right size for making German Stars. Very pretty colors!

Ann Martin said...

My first thought... Oh my, heaven in a box! You will have a blast, Ann. YAY!

Sharkbytes said...

Colored Paper for FREE! A treasure.

♥ Sallie said...

Yay! I love colored paper. Springtime in a box! LOL! You are so clever!


Nessa said...

Oh those are really pweety!! Me loves <3

Unknown said...

These are wonderful Ann! If I might add a little suggestion what about a rabbit - it will be the Chinese Year of the Rabbit very shortly, I believe.

jeanlivingsimple said...

What a great boom for you, Ann! Hey...every time I see the TV show "She's Crafty"...I think of you. No Joke!

BeadedTail said...

That box is going to keep you crafting for a long time to come!

Ginny Hartzler said...

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a beautiful, georgous post!!! That is so pretty, and you are so talented, and I love the kaleidoscoped picture! What were those strips of paper originally intended for?

Unknown said...

Wow Ann,
Lucky she gave all that lovely paper to you instead of throwing it away!
Thank you for commenting on my pink, orange, red and green necklace. I'm with you. I'm looking at spring colours while longing for spring!
(You're First Commenter again.)

Doris Sturm said...

OH, your flower is lovely - that would have been a shame to throw away all that beautiful card stock paper. I don't like to see things go to waste that could be used by someone who truly enjoys it. You are very talented and your kaleidoscope photography is very pretty too...beautiful colors!

Zach June (Fledgling Blogger) said...

Beautiful creations! You could truly make something out from the ordinary! :)

Unknown said...

You have never been really able to just let kindergarten go--have you?

Philippa said...

Oh, Ann - love it, love it!! Your kaleidoscope photos are great, and what a fantastic gift to receive. Can't wait to see what you do with the flowers. Remember that creative 'slump' you were in a while ago? Well, you are now officially OUT!! LOL

J. M. P. said...

That sounds like a lot of fun! I'm amazed at how soon you made your first creation with these papers. I look forward to seeing the card and the medallions.

Jen said...

Awesome! How does that go again?? One woman's trash is another ones treasure? Heh heh heh. I LOVE the flower - too cool! ;o)

Russ aka Grampy said...

Great treasure for you. I was looking for a pot of gold in the first picture.Looked like a rainbow.Waiting to see what else you do with it.
Have a good day.

Catherine said...

What a wonderful treat ~ a crafty person can make use of almost anything!

Very fun!
xo Catherine

Junk Drawer Kathy said...

I love how creative you are. I can barely draw a stick figure. Glad you were gifted such a treasure. Have fun!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

amazing to me that you created this beauty from those pieces of card stock. even the box of it is beautiful. keep on quilling, i love looking at them.

booahboo said...

Tat sures is a lot of papers to throw away.. good thing she thought of you. You struck Spring! Love the flower you made... its so beautiful. I wouldn't have patience for that :) Can't wait to see the finish product.

Bossy Betty said...

So cool! What a wonderful treasure you've made!

Donna said...

OhNooooo!!!Hahaaaa....You're 'gonna disappear in a swath of color and we'll never hear from you again!!!
Seriously, Nice gift!!

Tammy said...

Once again I didn't even notice your mess till you pointed it out. Stop that. Your flower looks great! I love it.

Out on the prairie said...

This width looks fun , a number of things to do.I thiought of some paper weave ofor a interesting background on cards.

tahtimbo said...

Wow!! That is just amazing! You are so talented. I know you've heard this before, but you really need to open an Etsy shop.
I hope your week is going well :)

allotments4you said...

That flower is great...and to be honest I hadn't noticed the glue until i went back and checked because you mentioned's funny, I tend to do things like that...pick out or point out my own faults for others to see when they don't

Love the photos edit too.

Julie Harward said...

WOW...have fun with that what you are making pretty! :D

Ann said...

Sandee win win all around

Helen sure are

beebeebabs I know, I was thrilled

Grace my husband said the same thing, I wonder if you have that same sarcastic tone that he

Lin YEAH ME :)

LDH well I may just have to try a german star and see if they'll work for those

Ann who knew you could find heaven in a

sharkbytes free is my favorite price

sallie me too,

nessa something about the colors on a cold winter day just kind of perked me up

kloggers oh a rabbit, what a great idea

Jean there's a tv show called She's crafty?, oh cool I've never seen it before but it sounds like my kind of show

beaded tail it doesn't take much to keep me amused :)

ginny I have no idea what the papers were for. My friend found them at work, said they had been there when she took over and she didn't know what they had them for and she had no use for them.

Anna I know, the garbage man surely would not have appreciated them as much as I do

Doris I love being able to reuse, repurpose things

zach well I try any way

fishhawk, ROFL no I can't say that I have

Philippa YIPPPEEE, I'm out of the slump :)

Josep now if only I can focus on just one project. I have a bad habit of starting more than one at a time

Jen you said it sister. :)

Russ it does look like a rainbow and the pot of gold for me was getting the whole box to play with L:)

catherine that's for sure, I'm always impressed by some of the ideas people come up with

junk drawer kathy why thanks, I bet you make really cute stick figures :)

sandra I thought the way the paper was laying in the box was pretty enough as it is but I couldn't just keep it all in the box :)

Anny it sure is. I just wish outside my window that it knew I struck

bossy betty yes it sure is

donnna well that sounds like a good way to go any

b boys mom you know how it is, our mess always sticks out like a sore thumb to

out on the prairie I thought of weaving also

tahtimbo I keep thinking about it but I wonder if it would take the fun out of it for me

allotments4you why do we have to do that? that's so silly and yet I keep doing

Reeni said...

What a great gift! I just know you'll put it to good use! I love what you've done already.

Joanne Olivieri said...

Wow! Ann, you are so talented. Those colors and creations are gorgeous.

Ann said...

Reeni thank, I'm sure going to have fun trying anyway

Poetic shutterbug I loved the colors, made me think of spring. I sure could use some springtime right now.

Pink said...

Those big flowers are fun! It would be great to have a group of them set out on a table...

Ann said...

Pink, thanks, my plan is to do several and put them in a flower pot. But now that you said that I'm thinking maybe a few in varying sizes just standing like that would look cute.

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