Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Let sleeping dogs lie

Yesterday while I wasn't the only one taking it easy. I had my pillow on the couch and someone decided to use it for his nap.
Aw, isn't he cute. So lucky too since he gets to do this every day if he wants to.  Shhhh, don't wake the Duke.


Julie Harward said...

These little guys are so cuddlie and so comforting to sweet! :D

Sandee said...

Don't worry I would never dream of waking the Duke. He can sleep anywhere he wants and all of us know that too. They just do that.

Have a terrific day and please give my best to Duke. :)

Donna said...

What a dear! Shhhh...

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I love Duke!

Ann Martin said...

Ahhh, it's a dog's life, as the saying goes!

Sharkbytes said...

The little rag mop!

Unknown said...

My little puss cat has been doing the very same all day with the exception of eating and a mini stroll or two outside. Nothing seemed to disturb her - I wonder if it's the time of year. Perhaps there's a touch of the hibernation in us all!

Miawa said...

I'll speak very softly. He's so cute Annie and I can't imagine the blessing you obviously receive through him. Keep making mommy happy Duke!

jeanlivingsimple said...

So sweet!:)

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is so cute!! He rests just like a person would!!!

BeadedTail said...

He looks mighty comfy on your pillow! We wouldn't dare wake sweet Duke!

Bossy Betty said...

Ohhhhhhh! This is so adorable!

Doris Sturm said...

That's so cute - my boy, Gizzy, sleeps a lot too...I love to watch him sleep :-) He entertains me even when he's doing nothing ;-)

Lin said...

It's funny how they just know, isn't it? It's like they have senses to spot the cuddly spot on the couch. :)

Unknown said...

So, so weak... Need bacon...

Leeuna said...

Be vewwery vewwery quiet. Don't wake the Dukester. He is so precious!

Alain said...

He's so cute.

Daisy said...

Sweet dreams little Duke!

Russ aka Grampy said...

That is cute. Duke looks nice and comfy. Claudia does the same thing. Only thing she likes to crawl under the blanket.

Donna said...

Ahhhh....Mommy better give The Dukester Anything he wants...Hahaaa

allotments4you said...

Cuteness personified!!!

Duni said...

Adorable. Sammy does that soon as he sees me spread out a blanket on the couch he is on it in a second! haha.

Connie Girl said...

Very sweet. I wish I could take a siesta too!

Catherine said...

Snuggling and snoozing pets are always so cute!

xo Catherine

Yuenie said...

Duke is so adorable! Reading your blog has made me want a dog too.

MadSnapper said...

around our house let sleeping dogs lie is our motto. this made me laugh. and this is the link to my sleeping dogs lie from last year

Tammy said...

I wish I could lay down with Duke. I could use a nap too.

Ann said...

julie, they sure are

sandee and if we forget Duke will remind us :)

donna, yep, shhhh :)

LDH, don't we all :)

Ann not a bad way to live if you ask me

sharkbytes hee hee he is

kloggers oh believe me if I move and get up he jumps right up and follows me

miawa he is a blessing and he makes me smile every day

jean, very sweet indeed

ginny that's because he thinks he is a person

beaded tail he sure was enjoying it. I think i even heard him

bossy betty :)

doris they are entertaining any time aren't they

lin yes they sure do

fishhawk, I know he would find some energy to get up for bacon

leeuna oh please don't wake him, he'll want snacks then :)

alan thanks, he is a cute one

daisy I think he had them

russ duke never seems to care much for the blankets. maybe he just has more fur than Claudia :)

donna that's what he thinks, I wonder who put that idea in his

steve, well I'll certainly stop by and check it out

allotments4you indeed :)

duni well you are spreading that blanket out for him aren't you? I mean it really wasn't supposed to be for you I'm

connnie I think the same thing every afternoon at work

catherine they sure are

Yuenie I don't know that I could live without one

Sandra I'll check it out I don't think I've read that far back in your blog

b boys mom me too :)

Anonymous said...

What a little cutie-patootie :)

Sheri said...

You mean you didn't set that up for Duke?

Of course you did!

Zach said...

I miss you and Duke! Nice to see him so sweetly and quietly sleeping. :)

Carole Barkett said...

looks like a good idea

the booker man said...

miss ann,

how totally nice like of you to share your pillow with duke! heehee.

the booker man

tahtimbo said...

That is too cute :-) It would be hard to wake him.

Ann said...

man overboard doesn't it though :)

lisa, asleep or awake, :)

sheri well sure I

zach we miss seeing you around too.

country mouse studio the best

booker man it's just a sharing kind of house :)

tahtimbo yes, and it would also be a good time to quietly catch a snack for

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