Sunday, January 9, 2011

It's just not fair

Don't you just hate it when you sit patiently waiting for something good and you don't get it?
Mom and dad were having this for breakfast this morning.

I sat quietly waiting. I was very patient, I didn't whine a bit.

And they didn't give me any. Can you believe that?
You are writing this down for future reference aren't you? If it happens again I want to know who to file my complaint with.


Lin said...

Not even a bite???? Criminy, I'd protest on the next photo shoot, Duke.

Miawa said...

They're just thinking of your heart Duke, wait, what about theirs? Hm!
You can complain to auntie Miawa anytime.

Sharkbytes said...

Poor Duke. You need to requisition Beggin' Strips. Hey... I like you sitting in the tree in your mom's new header.

Sandee said...

I can't believe they wouldn't even give you a little taste Duke. I've got this written down and you can count on me to say something. What would a little bit hurt anyway. You were asking so very nicely too.

Have a terrific day my little friend. My best to your mom too even though I'm not very happy with her right now. She could have let you have a little piece of bacon. :)

Julie Harward said...

I'll help you Duke...abuse of this sort should never be tolerated! ;D

Sheri said...

Oh Duke! The cruelty must stop now! Did you look lovingly into their eyes? Did you do the head tilt? My mom and dad are the exact same way although I do have mom trained to share her eggs with me when she has them for breakfast.

Yours friend,

Ginny Hartzler said...

Awwww!! Good dogs need plenty of reinforcement! Didn't anyone cook you a strip?

Reeni said...

Aww! You poor baby! I bet you got a dog treat today though, those are much better for you!

tahtimbo said...

Oh, I'm sorry to hear this, Duke. I suggest you go on strike and let your mom know that you will not pose for any more photos until you get a portion of all bacon consumed in the house :-)
Oh, I really like your new header. Fantastic job!

booahboo said...

Happens to me too Duke.. sometimes i wait and wait and wait.. and nothing. And they just tell me they are eating curry. I don't believe them one bit.

woofs n licks,

gayle said...

I'm so sorry Duke! Looks yummy!
Love your new header!

BeadedTail said...

You didn't get one little bite? That's awful Duke! We know you would have got some yourself but you don't have thumbs! :)

Anonymous said...

Poor woofie - that's harsh!

VanillaSeven said...

I'll buy for you when your mom and dad not around :D

Unknown said...

Duke, if you would drop me an email, I can give you some suggestions on how to get even. Oh yeah, they gotta pay for that!

Jen said...

Duke: Please visit the Complaint Department located on the fourth floor (take the elevator ;o)

Catherine said...

Oh sweet Duke ~ mom and dad are just looking after your health. Perhaps they gave you extra love today instead??? :)

xo Catherine

Russ said...

Don't worry Duke I filed a complaint for you with the animal cruelty folk.I don't think they took it too seriously however. They had me escorted out of the building.
Have a good week.

Carole Barkett said...

My dog doesn't wait patiently, he bounces like he was on a pogo stick.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you poor abused baby you. you can talk to ME about your mean old people who starve you with bacon smells and DOG food only. you look so sweet in your waiting position

Out on the prairie said...

I use Beggin Strips as a reward. I had a lawyer friend see a few in the plate I keep them on and thought they were jerky.Not as tasty he said.

Yuenie said...

aww, duke. try making puppy dog eyes at mummy and see if she melts.

Donna said...

Love Dukes photos Miz Ann...

SmallTownMommy said...

I can't believe they didn't share! After all you do for them. You can file a complaint with me anytime.

DSS said...

Poor sweet Duke. It really isn't fair, is it? And now that you mention it, I forgot to give Louis some of my breakfast tasties on Sunday morning. Inexcusable!

Tammy said...

I hope poor sweet Duke ended up with some kind of treat.

Ann said...

Lin, thanks for the advice, I'll do just that

Miawa yeah, what about theirs, if I can't eat it then they shouldn't either

sharkbytes, I think mom has a bag of beggin strips in the cupboard

sandee I can't either. I knew I could count on you.

julie thanks for joining my group of supporters, I appreciate it

sheri I did look lovingly, I did the head tilt. Mom usually shares and dad almost always does but this time, nothing

ginny not a single one :(

reeni well yeah but it's not the same as real bacon

tahtimbo I think I will do just that but then that means that I won't get to see you guys.

Anny they didn't even try and hide the fact that it was bacon

gayle thanks, it sure looked like they enjoyed it

beaded tail I couldn't reach the table either because they had all the other chairs pushed in

Grace, tell me about it

vanilla seven oh goodie, thanks pal

fishhawk I'll paw you an email just as soon as I can get the laptop away from mom

Jen where's the elevator?

catherine, well I suppose they did but I still would have liked the bacon

Russ oh that was so nice of you even if it didn't seem to work

country mouse studio oh maybe I should try a pogo stick next time. Does it work for your dog?

sandra thank you for your support. Do you have any bacon?

out on the prairie lol, and we don't fall for it either. They're good but not quite the same thing

Yuenie, ok I'll try that at dinner time tonight and see what it gets me

donna big bummer

small town mommy ok consider it filed then :)

DSS what's going on, first my mom and dad and then you not sharing with Louis? what is happening around here?

b boys mom I always do :)

marie said...

Duke! I can't believe that they didn't share even a morsel. Come visit me ~ we love bacon and we love sharing!!

Cute post Ann! You make me laugh every day!

Jen said...

Where's the elevator? Why, by the sign pointing to the fourth floor silly ;o)

Ann said...

marie believe it, I'll pack my bags and be on my way

jen well no wonder, I can't read so I didn't look at the sign

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