Friday, January 7, 2011

The season for freazin

By George I think I've got it! I'm not in a slump at all. What has happened here is quite obvious. My ambition, energy, enthusiasm and creativity have simply been caught in the deep freeze.
Finally it's Friday and I plan on not planning anything. I'm going to take the weekend and do just whatever seems to be right for the moment. If I feel like cleaning, I'll clean. If I feel like shopping, I'll shop. If I feel like taking a nap on the couch with a little white someone then that's exactly what I'll do. There are no requirements, no expectations, no rules no regulations. I have two glorious days off from work and I intend to enjoy them as much as humanly possible.
What are you doing this weekend?


Anonymous said...

Nifty pic - Enjoy your weekend!

Sandee said...

Wow great shot of the icy cold.

I'm going to stay home and let my eye heal some more. Have a yacht club function the following weekend and as the commodore I have to introduce everyone. Then on Sunday we have our first meeting of the year and I'm the chair. So I'm pretty much going to have the same kind of weekend as you're going to have. I just don't have that little white cutie pie to nap with.

Have a terrific, restful weekend. My best to my favorite buddy Duke. :)

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Gorgeous shot! I like your plans for the weekend! :)

Out on the prairie said...

I would like to go somewhere but the roads are a mess, we got 3 inches today.Hopefully I can get out close by.Otherwise, I doubt I will clean much or do anything but drift with the snow.It is suppose to be in single digits.

Doris Sturm said...

I like your plan of just going with the flow (if you can call it a plan!) but I will do pretty much the same thing, except I always go outside every day with Gizzy.We spend anywhere from 2-3 hours outside every day to enjoy this cool weather because in the summer we hibernate and that's not fun!

Sharkbytes said...

I did a little bit of that myself... I did stuff, but didn't press myself to meet any particular goal.

Donna said...

There you go! I'm going to get some sewing done, no matter what! I've been trying to start a project for over a week and circumstances keep interrupting!

BeadedTail said...

Your weekend plans sound wonderful especially the part about napping with a little white someone! I'll be watching football, a movie or two and am taking a private beadweaving class to learn how to make a really cool bracelet.

Beebeebabs said...

Great shot tfs!!!

Lin said...

I'm going to try and stay warm this weekend, pally.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You have planned the perfect weekend!!! And WOW to that picture!

Ann said...

Grace, thanks, and I'm sure going to try

Sandee, it sounds like you need this weekend to rest up with all those things you have coming up

LDH thanks, I thought it sounded like a good plan

out on the prairie I think we got at least double that in snow so far and more on the way.

Doris I tend to hibernate in the winter and spend 2-3 hours outside in the summer :) I hate being cold so I don't know why I live where I do

sharkbytes I think that's the best way to do it

donna my problem has been that there's just too many things I want to get done and I don't know what to start with

beaded tail, sounds like a fun weekend. beadweaving sounds very interesting. have fun with your class

beebeebabs thanks

Lin me to pally, me too :)

tahtimbo said...

That's a great idea! I hope you have a fantastic weekend! My oldest got sick this week, so I plan on helping her get caught-up in math (believe me, this is not what I had planned).

WillOaks Studio said...

I just love your weekend "menu!" I must work in the gallery tomorrow until late afternoon and then the rest of the weekend is up for grabs!! Stay warm! (But aren't icicles just beautiful!?)

Sandra said...

That's a good idea. I certainly hope I'll feel like cleaning. The dust bunnies in my house are now guests at the dinner table.

Unknown said...

Ah, but will we get to hear what really happened next Monday?

allotments4you said...

Sounds like a good weekend to me Ann...I think more often than not we can plan what we 'need' to be doing and it's so overwhelming none of it gets done then we feel disappointed in ourselves. If I just go with the flow I tend to find I surprise myself by how much i manage to accomplish!!

Marg said...

That is one great picture. Your weekend sounds dreamy. I am going to go to the darn grocery store since they are predicting big snow or ice here tomorrow and heaven forbid I run out of cat food or worse,cat litter. When it is bad weather, everyone joins me in the house. Have a great and restful week end Ann. Duke too.

Russ said...

Those sound like great plans Ann. We got about five inches of snow last night. So I will be cleaning the cars off and doing a bit of shoveling. Very little actually.

livintheblues said...

I think I will do the same..:)

Catherine said...

Having no plan sounds like a good plan to me! ;)

It's storming here so I will just try to stay warm and perhaps head down to my craft room. :)
xo Catherine

Leeuna said...

Brrrr shiver. That looks cold! You should definitely nap on the couch with "white someone". Give him a hug for me and maybe an extra treat. Have a great weekend. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

since we are retired, every day is a week end to us. you will love it someday, just like i do. what you described today for your day is my every day of the week. ahhh retirement. i have to whip myself to do what i need to do since it is so much fun doing what i want to do. LOVE those icicles.. great shot and enjoy our day

gayle said...

My husband goes with the flow but I'm a planner. Taking my tree down now and if time the rest of my Christmas decorations!

Bossy Betty said...

I'm doing about the same as you and plan to enjoy every minute!

the booker man said...

miss ann,

whoa! those are some serious icicles...pretty please don't poke your eye out!!
we are havin' a lazy pants weekend at my house so mama can get back to 100%! she did take down the christmas decorations earlier, but now we are all snugglin' in front of the space heater and visitin' bloggies on the lappy! :)
keep enjoyin' your happy go lucky weekend!!

the booker man

Julie Harward said...

Awesome..that sounds like just the right weekend! I put a post up, took my new cat to the vet, headed over the mountain to visit a dear cousin who just lost his wife to cancer, church and a nap tomorrow. :D

Unknown said...

Wow, you're living in a cold spot too!
Thanks for reading my little story about Jon and Sara!

Ann said...

tahtimbo spending the weekend catching up on math doesn't sound like very much fun. Hope it's a quick catch up :)

will oaks studio staying warm isn't always so easy this time of year but yet icicles are very beautiful

sandra well at least dust bunnies don't eat much :)

fishhawk maybe, maybe not. depends on how much it's going to cost me to ensure Duke's silence

allotments4you that's exactly what happens to me, I plan, I don't follow through and I get very annoyed with myself

Marg oh noes can't run out of cat food and litter. Hope everyone stays warm there, you can have a big party

russ oh shoveling, my back hurts just reading

livintheblues good idea

catherine a day in the craft room sounds like a good day to me

leeuna hmmm, does Duke have you on the payroll?

sandra retirement sounds heavenly to me :)

gayle I kind of navigate between the two but I'm more of a planner than go with the flow kind of person

bossy betty good for you. we should do this more often :)

booker man I hope your mom gets back up to 100% real soon. You should take extra good care of her to help speed that along but it sounds like that's exactly what you are doing

julie you had a busy day. sour to hear about your cousins wife

anna oh yes very cold and it lasts way too long

Miawa said...

Love the icicle pics!!! (I'm catching up a little hee-hee)

Ann said...

Miawa, thank you and it's so nice to see you dropping by today. I've missed you :)

Carole Barkett said...

napping is wonderful, hope you enjoy :O)

Ann said...

country mouse studio it sure is. I wish I had more time for it :)

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