Saturday, January 22, 2011


Correct me if I'm wrong but when animals hibernate aren't they spending that time sleeping? The plan for this weekend was hibernation but I haven't done much sleeping.
I did a little blog hopping
I played with the dog
I went upstairs to make the bed and that was where things went wrong.
I ONLY intended to make the bed but then there was a basket of laundry that needed put away. When I opened the drawer it was a bit messy so I pulled everything out and refolded it. If I did one drawer I may as well do them all right? Before I knew what was happening my lazy day off turned into an all day cleaning spree.
I did find time to get a picture of Duke for you though

I even found some time to play around with the picture in photoshop elements. So here is my painting of Duke
Now I think I'll spend the rest of the evening working on a project or two that I have started, maybe grab some coffee and read a few blogs and whatever else I feel like doing. After all it's so fun to relax in a clean house


Sandee said...

There is nothing more satisfying than a clean house. I so agree with you on that one. Makes you feel good. I'm the same way as you.

Duke is such a cutie pie too. I always look forward to pictures of him.

Have a terrific day and I'll bet you sleep good tonight. My best to Duke. :)

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I like the clean house idea too. Had four grandchildren here so I had some tidying up and cleaning to accomplish myself. hmmm... maybe that is why I am ready for bed at 7:30!

Handsome Duke photo!

Out on the prairie said...

I just did some research for a story and your heart and systems really don't slow much.I could use a rest,these kids are approaching the end of their day I hope.

BeadedTail said...

Duke is just the cutest! Our weather was beautiful here today so we were out and about then I did some beading and we'll spend the evening cuddling together watching movies. I needed to clean house but just didn't make the time!

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

You do such wonderful things with photos. I really like this one. If you run out of house to clean, I know where you can visit!

tahtimbo said...

That is so great what you were able to do with that picture! Someday, I'm going to get Photoshop, so I can have some fun.
Your day sounds a lot like mine: first I had to re-caulk the bathtub. Then, I needed to clean the pellet stove (having thermostat issues and was hoping it was just a dirty/loose connection. No such luck, we have a faulty thermostat). Anyway, after that I figured I might as well clean the furnace filters...and it went from there :)
It was busy, but I felt better for getting this stuff done.
Have a great rest of the weekend!

Sheri said...

I couldn't agree more. It is a good feeling to relax in a nice, clean house. And as always, Bubba and I enjoy seeing updated pictures of the Duke.

jeanlivingsimple said...

It is wonderful to get some cleaning/organizing done. Love your shots of Duke. You really should start your own business photoing Pets! You have the EYE!

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a cutie!!! I am the same way. all of a sudden, i'll be doing something, and it will get a bit out of hand and I'll start straightening up on the spur of the moment. That's the best way, when the mood strikes you.

allotments4you said...

My lazy days often turn out like never really seem to do anything and anything you have done can't be seen and yet you have been constantly busy!!!

Unknown said...

We stopped cleaning house a long, long time ago.

Philippa said...

LOVE your 'painting' of Duke! Like you, I find it impossible to be really lazy because there's always something that needs doing, and then that thing leads on to another ... but how can we resist?

Ann said...

sandee, very satisfying. just makes you feel more comfortable

LDH 4 grandchildren, they must have kept you busy, but a very good kind of busy

out on the prairie well how about that. I never really looked into it much just always pictures a bear crawling into a cave and settling in for a long snooze

beaded tail your day sounds like it was a good one. More often than not I don't make the time for the cleaning :)

sharkbytes thanks I enjoy playing around with them every now and then. I don't think I'll ever run out of

tahtimbo it is fun playing with the pictures. Yes you did have the same kind of day, one little job snowballing into a day full of

sheri why is it that in a clean house the couch feels comfier and pillows feel fluffier? Hope Bubba is doing better

Jean I have a lot more cleaning/organizing to do too. I think pet photography sounds like a fun job

Ginny that's the only time to clean, when the mood strikes. And when it strikes it is best to take full advantage of it :)

allotments4you well at least what I did today was noticeable, that helps :)

Fishhawk, believe me I've tried to stop but the neat freak wanna be in me won't let me give it up

Catherine said...

The weekends need to be long so we can get done all the things we want to do AND get lots of snoozing in. It should be 2 days off and work for 5 days not the other way around! :)

Duke ~ as cute as ever!
xo Catherine

Russ aka Grampy said...

Well Ann it sounds like you are trying to rush spring. A little spring cleaning.
Love the pictures of Duke. You do a good job with the photos. Try to relax a little today.

Marg said...

That happens to me all the time. Do one thing and it leads to many others. But I don't seem to finish anything. Duke you are looking mighty good even as a painting. Have a super Sunday.

Daisy said...

My Mommeh likes a clean house, but she does not enjoy the cleaning part!

Christie Cottage said...

Too funny! I have done that before too. Just go to do one thing and 2 hours later...I have a wonderfully organized dresser of drawers. (Can't stop at one, can we???) LOL


Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Only 56 more days until spring ... your little westie is so cute and love how you changed the photo to make it look like a painting ... I just started to use picnik for photo fun with our two westies ... not ready for the big girl photo software yet!

All the best,

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Only 56 more days until spring ... your little westie is so cute and love how you changed the photo to make it look like a painting ... I just started to use picnik for photo fun with our two westies ... not ready for the big girl photo software yet!

All the best,

MadSnapper n Beau said...

duke you are soooo handsome and i love the "painting" came out really good. wow, what a restful day, you sound like me, with the drawer or anything like that. i started out trying to find a single paper a few days ago, in a drawer. found the paper but ended up organzing the three drawers and a cabinet. felt so good and i know it does for you to. hope you are resting today

Miawa said...

Yes it is, and even nicer when someone else does it for you (-:

Alain said...

Duke is so cute! I'm still not done cleaning the house, but have put up some shelves in the kitchen (and they are level!).

Love Cocktails and puppydog tails! said...

That sounds about right, we intend to rest on the weekend but end up looking around at all the things that need done at home.... it is REALLY nice to have a clean home to relax in though :) It looks like Duke was a good assistant though (HE IS TOO CUTE!)
-Enjoy your day!

-Ashleigh and Duncan

Donna said...

Ahhhh....There's nothing better than a photo of gorgeous Duke!!
And sometimes you just don't want to Stop!!Hahaa...
Now get some rest!!

livintheblues said...

It's so cold here ..hibernation is something to be considered..:)

Unknown said...

Oh, how I missed you and Duke.

I hate funks. Unfortunately, I have them often.

I love this picture of Duke. I think the one you played around with makes him look all icy. Brrrr.

Tammy said...

Don't you think it's easier to relax with a clean house. It just feels good.

Anne said...

I do enjoy a clean house although getting there is painful! And I always appreciate a photo of Duke!

Ann said...

catherine I couldn't agree with you more. Less work, more play

Russ I am, I am, come on spring, I'm

marg, I often don't finish what I start, it's a bad

daisy same here, wish I had a maid

christie nope, what's up with that?

Katie Julep and Derbys mom playing with pictures is a blast some times, amazing what you can do with them

sandra it does feel good to have accomplished something

miawa you said it, now who can I get to do it for me?

alan I don't think we're ever done, as soon as you think you are something else pops up that needs cleaned

love cocktails Duke is always a good assistant :)

donna rest, yes that is the ticket

livintheblues very cold here too, hibernation is the only option for me

mee2 I missed you too, so glad to see you back :)

b boys mom yes it's much easier, I just don't feel as comfortable when it's a big mess

anne very

Yuenie said...

Duke is SO adorable! That hint of mischief in his eyes just made me melt into littler and littler puddles.

the booker man said...

miss ann,

mama went on one of those crazy cleanin'/home improvement sprees today. she's done 4 loads of laundry, vacuumed and mopped, sanded/repainted a window sill, and installed a new ceiling fan. it's time for this insanity to stop!

the booker man

the booker man said...

pee s -- duke is lookin' awesome (as always) in his picture! i like that painty thingie you did in photoshop!

Ann said...

booker whoa, I'm tired just hearing about all the stuff your mom did. Duke says thanks,

Ann said...

Yuenie lol, I'll go get some paper towels to wipe that up. I agree though, he's a cutie alright

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