Tuesday, January 25, 2011

a Valentine project

The first of the year is always a little sluggish for me when it comes to doing crafts. Christmas is over but I'm still in the mood to make things for gifts and decorations. At the same time I want to move on to other things. To get me through that transition period I took a project that I saw on Helen's blog Let's Create and started making some things for Valentines Day.
I'm pretty sure that Helen had made these for Christmas but they can be decorated for any occasion. Before I forget to mention it, I must say that Helen is one clever and crafty lady. She makes the most beautiful cards.
Anyway, I  made three so far.

I thought I would give these out to some of the girls at work and maybe even to some of my favorite customers. I guess I better get busy and make some more.

On another note, one of you left me a comment on my post yesterday that I just have to mention here. When I checked my email this morning and saw the comment I could not stop laughing.
Here's what I read
You have never been really able to just let kindergarten go--have you? 
To answer that question, no, I guess I haven't but you will be happy to know that I finally quit eating the paste.
Thanks Jerry, you started my day out with a great laugh 


Sandee said...

You ate the paste too? I thought it was good back in the day too.

I love the last one the very best. It's beautiful.

Have a terrific day. Big ear scritches to Duke. :)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

So pretty! My favorite is the quilled one :) Beautiful!

BeadedTail said...

Hee hee! That was a funny comment! Those cards are lovely!

Marg said...

That was a very funny comment. I don't remember eating paste. Was it yummy. I like the last one too. Great stuff. Have a good evening.

Ginny Hartzler said...

These are georgous! Anyone would be lucky to be your valentine!

Out on the prairie said...

MMMMM paste, I can almost remember thepast eaters. That 3rd on looks like a box of chocolates.All are really nice with that Ann touch.

Reeni said...

These are really pretty Ann! I have to go read your last post...

booahboo said...

These are really beautiful. I am sure the receivers will be real happy to get them.

I don't remember eating paste.. hahhahaa.. was it good?

Helen said...

Ah, Ann, you are so kind! Thank you for your kind words and the link to my blog. I love your creations, especially the card.

Unknown said...

... Valentine's Day around the corner - not to mention pancake day or should I be more formal and call it Shrove Tuesday. Speaking of which, do they pronounce it Tyewsday in your part of the US as we do in England or Toosday? I always finding it interesting listening to the different variations of pronunciations there are. When you think of it it's a wonder that people ever learn it - it must be so very confusing!

I do like your Valentine Cards - do you make one for your husband each year too?

Anonymous said...

Three things -

1. I am in genuine admiration of your craftiness - no sarcasm EVER.

2. Jerry is soooo funny!

3. I like the first card best - I like the stiching effect and I love the quilling hearts.

Doris Sturm said...

Lovely Valentines and that comment made me laugh as well because I look fondly back to those days of carefree and unbridled imagination and being able to react on them LOL

marie said...

Beautiful cards Ann! Kindergarten was a wonderful place. I think we should all hold on to a little bit of it! : )

Unknown said...

What about sniffing glue?

allotments4you said...

Oh ...These are lovely Ann...I guess I really should start thinking about Valentines day with January coming to a close.

As for the kindergarten comment...i think growing up is overrated and boring...oh and I haven't quite got passed the stage of loving those mashed up dinners either!!...lol

Philippa said...

Brilliant work, Ann - love the stitching!

Zach said...

All three of them are lovely. The last one is exceptional! Keep it up, Ann!

By the way, I like Jerry's comment too. :)

Jen said...

Ahahahahaha - leave it to Jerry *grin*. If it makes you feel any better, it would seem I didn't let go either.
It never was paste for me though; I was a Play Dough connoisseur (and eeeeew, right? :o)

Catherine said...

It's hard to believe that Valentine's is just couple of weeks away. I must get my crafty self into making some cards too. Thanks for the inspiration Ann!
xo Catherine

Russ AKA Grampy said...

I love them all. The last one is my favorite.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could all hold on to a little bit of the child in us.The world would be so much better for the honesty and taking the time to just have fun.
Have a good day Ann.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ok, so maybe that is why i am not crafty, i did not go to kindergarten they had not invented it yet. i bet that is why i can't make these very wonderful and beautiful things like you do. i like all 3 of them

Asma’ AB said...

fall in love with all your cards ann! simple yet catch my heart! ♥

Tammy said...

Your cards are wonderful. I think it's great not to grow up totally.

Bossy Betty said...

I am AMAZED at what you can do!!! That last picture knocked me out. I am coming to your house for craft lessons (and cookies!).

Charlotte said...

Ann, these are lovely! I especially like the quilled card. I didn't eat the paste either, but I do remember (back in the day before printers and copy machines) that I liked the smell of the mimeographed worksheets.

DSS said...

If kindergarten looks like that, I need to go back! I adore your cards and projects :)

Ann said...

Wow Ann! I love the stitched outline and the husked heart and the origami... can't pick a favorite.

Donna said...

And the paste was the best thing About kindergarden!!!Hahaa

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! You've been very busy. Amazing what you've been creating n find some time ... Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Marg said...

The cards really are pretty. You do such a good job Ann. That comment was very funny. Cracked me up too. Have a great evening.

Erika said...

I never liked the taste of paste but I sure did like playing with it.
The last card seems like it would be so difficult to make.
I feel so much better after creating something.

Ann said...

Sandee, actually I can't remember if I did or not but I'm betting I probably did...lol

Stupid irrelevant comments WILL be deleted.

LDH thanks, that was the first one I did

Beaded tail I know, it cracked me up

Marg I couldn't stop laughing. I don't recall if I ate it and if I did what it tasted like.

Ginny, thanks os much.

out on the prairie, well actually they are all going to get some chocolates put inside of them.

Reeni thank you

Anny thanks, hopefully I can manage to get enough made to give to everyone

Helen you are more than welcome, thank you for sharing how you made these boxes. I just loved them.

kloggers I never heard of pancake day but it sounds yummy. We pronounce it Toosday here

Grace that's just too sweet of you. I was just having fun with you yesterday. :) sometimes my sense of humor is a bit weird.

doris sturn oh me too. I try to hold on to that feeling as much as possible, it makes life a whole lot easier

marie you bet, I always say never let go of your inner child

fishhawk, nope can't say that I ever sniffed glue. they way I act some times though, you would think that I had :)

allotments4you, it's very boring and stuffy. I try to act a little immature and childish as much as I can get away with...lol

philippa thank you. I've been meaning to try the stitching and finally got around to it

zach thanks I enjoy doing the tea bag folding and I can do that while sitting in front of the tv

Jen he sure does come up with some good ones, although you're pretty good at it too.

catherine I know, it's creeping up on us really fast isn't it.

russ yes the world would be better I think. I like to think we all need a little bit of child like wonder from time to time

sandra no kindergarten? to be perfectly honest with you, I don't think I was all that thrilled with going

As aw thanks so much

b boys mom thank you, and yes I agree, who wants to be all grown up and stuffy all the time

bossy betty oh cool, come on over, I'll put some coffee on. We'll have a blast

charlotte oh wow, I remember mimeographs, those did have the coolest smell didn't they

Ann thank you, a little variety there :)

donna thanks and I think you're right

sugar well I'm trying anyway. squeeze in a little crafting every chance I get\

marg thank you, Jerry always has a way of leaving me comments that make me laugh

Erika creating stuff just give you a sense of accomplishment doesn't it? The tea bag folding is really pretty easy.

livintheblues said...

and all these years I thought I was the only one who ate paste..:)...

Valentines is a good excuse for a chocolate binge....:)

Sharkbytes said...

I love that box top (I think that's what it is). Like the "star"

Unknown said...

Very pretty all of them. Love especially the hearts.

Ann said...

livintheblues now you know, you were not alone :)

sharkbytes yep it's a box top. I thought I would make these to pass out at work and fill with maybe hershey kisses or something

anna thanks I thought I would try a few different ideas with these.

Carole Barkett said...

these are really beautiful

Ann said...

country mouse studio, thanks, I had fun making them too

the booker man said...

i love your cards so much! the quilted one is my favoritest. mama loves to do crafty stuff, but she says she doesn't have even 1% of the creativity and imagination that you have!!

the booker man

Ann said...

booker thanks so much. I get most of my ideas from seeing things other people do, I'm not so good at coming up with stuff on my own

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